UnnoTed / wireguird

wireguard gtk gui for linux
MIT License
684 stars 47 forks source link

Please finish this #3

Closed d-513 closed 2 years ago

d-513 commented 2 years ago

This would be sooo useful for my laptop I hate having to use wg-quick on a crappy keyboard. I think feature wise is ok it would just be nice to have proper builds

skaox commented 2 years ago

You can also try Qomui but more buggy and wireguird is also maybe not finished but really nice and work like a charm.

What's your problem or which distrib do you have ? Have you tried the deb package

(-: Author seems to be alive ;-)

UnnoTed commented 2 years ago

I'll start working on it again tomorrow, there should be an update next week.

d-513 commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I was wrong, although on latest ubuntu it cant compile, the deb package seems to work fine. I tried updating some of the libraries but im new to golang and couldnt get it to build on 20.04 (18.04 kinda worked but some syntax errors)

skaox commented 2 years ago

Latest Ubuntu 21.04 ?

Even if I prefer deb version ; no problem with the compilation on Ubuntu mate 20.04 and go version 1.13.8.

Have you tried to change in go.sum : github.com/dawidd6/go-appindicator v1.0.0 h1:Jds+9T6dd2SpZ4krJ6SaGdwlKzGTjuU9AypHWhTOXCY= github.com/dawidd6/go-appindicator v1.0.0/go.mod h1:hOqBUkquzU53HlXUFjFXHAkzdyD45TmTZCQb3FqtEWg=

by : github.com/dawidd6/go-appindicator v1.0.1 h1:Jds+9T6dd2SpZ4krJ6SaGdwlKzGTjuU9AypHWhTOXCY= github.com/dawidd6/go-appindicator v1.0.1/go.mod h1:hOqBUkquzU53HlXUFjFXHAkzdyD45TmTZCQb3FqtEWg=

UnnoTed !!! THANK YOU !!! :+1:

skaox commented 2 years ago


Another big !!! THANK YOU !!!