UnoffLandz / unoff-landz

open source server for the eternal lands/other life client
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Wonky piece of code detected by clang #68

Closed nemerle closed 9 years ago

nemerle commented 9 years ago
  idle_buffer.c:135: warning: comparison of array 'idle_buffer.buffer[i + 1].packet' not equal to a null     pointer is always true [-Wtautological-pointer-compare]
               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~  ~~~~

This is caused by 'packet' member never being null, since it's pre-allocated array of size MAX_PROTOCOL_PACKET_SIZE. I'm not 100% sure how to approach this. In my 'cpp' version this code is using a dynamically resize-able vector thus the 'c' version ->

        //compress buffer
        for(i=1; i<=idle_buffer.buffer_count-1; i++){

            strcpy(idle_buffer.buffer[i].sql, idle_buffer.buffer[i+1].sql);


            if(idle_buffer.buffer[i+1].packet!=NULL) {

                //memcpy is unreliable hence copy data bytes across individually
                int j=0;
                for(j=0; j<packet_length; j++){

        //clear last entry in database buffer
        memset(&idle_buffer.buffer[i+1], 0, sizeof(idle_buffer.buffer[i+1])) ;


looks like

    //compress buffer


themuntdregger commented 9 years ago

Well done Clang. Even -pedantic didn't see that issue.

idle_buffer.pop_front(); certainly looks cleaner, so I think this is a good opportunity for some ++goodness; plus a good opportunity for me to work on my ++skills lol

themuntdregger commented 9 years ago

Ok, so my attempt ++skills has come up with this :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "logging.h"
#include "db/database_functions.h"
#include "server_start_stop.h"
#include "log_in.h"
#include "character_creation.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "idle_buffer2.h"

#define IDLE_BUFFER2_MAX 100

struct data_{

    char sql[1024];
    unsigned char packet[80];
    int connection;
    int process_type;

std::queue<data_> idle_buffer2;

void push_idle_buffer2(const char *sql, int connection, int process_type, unsigned char *packet){

    /** public function - see header **/

    data_ data;

    if(idle_buffer2.size() < IDLE_BUFFER2_MAX){

        strcpy(data.sql, sql);

        //find length of packet
        int packet_length=packet[1]+(packet[2]*256)-1+3;

        //if packet length > 0 then copy packet data to buffer
        if(packet_length > 0){

            if(packet_length > MAX_PROTOCOL_PACKET_SIZE2-1){

                log_event(EVENT_ERROR, "maximum protocol packet size exceeded in function %s: module %s: line %i", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);

            for(int i=0; i<packet_length; i++){


    else {

        //buffer overflow
        log_event(EVENT_ERROR, "database buffer overflow in function %s: module %s: line %i", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);

void process_idle_buffer2(){

    /** public function - see header **/

    //make sure we have something in the buffer to process
    if(idle_buffer2.size() > 0){

        int connection=idle_buffer2.front().connection;
        int packet_length=idle_buffer2.front().packet[1] + (idle_buffer2.front().packet[2] * 256) + 2;

        unsigned char packet[1024]={0};

        for(int i=0; i<packet_length; i++){

        //use else if structure rather than switch, as this allows us to encapsulate
        //variables within each if statement


            //Checks whether a character name exists in the character_table of the database. If the
            //name exists, character creation is aborted and a message sent to the client. If the
            //name does not exist, the character creation packet is placed in the idle buffer with
            //an instruction for IDLE_BUFFER_PROCESS_ADD_NEWCHAR so as the new character is added to
            //the database at the next idle event
            check_new_character(connection, packet);

        else if(idle_buffer2.front().process_type==IDLE_BUFFER2_PROCESS_ADD_NEWCHAR){

            add_new_character(connection, packet);

        else if(idle_buffer2.front().process_type==IDLE_BUFFER2_PROCESS_LOGIN){

            process_log_in(connection, packet);

        else if(idle_buffer2.front().process_type==IDLE_BUFFER2_PROCESS_SQL){


        else {

            log_event(EVENT_ERROR, "unknown process type in function %s: module %s: line %i", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);


what do you think ?

themuntdregger commented 9 years ago

Massive uncool bug in that last code...

int packet_length=idle_buffer2.front().packet[1] + (idle_buffer2.front().packet[2] * 256) + 2;

which seg faults when you try to pop a null packet. Have now corrected this by adding a packet_len value to the queue and using this to test for null packets.

Let me know what Clang says :)

nemerle commented 9 years ago

If you want to see my approach:

themuntdregger commented 9 years ago

Lmao. I'm happy that I managed to work out the basic technique. However, I slapped myself when I saw I was pushing to the front, rather than the back of the queue.

I've learned masses about C++ in the process, and it has given me confidence to try more. However, your version of the code looks far cleaner and nicer than mine, and, I can also see why it will be more extensible. I therefore think we should go with your version. Please go ahead and make the commit.

Apologies also. I should have placed my (trial) code in a pull request.

Question - why do you prefer a 'void *dat' to an 'unsigned char array' when handling packets ?

nemerle commented 9 years ago

Well 'my' version is using the unoff_packeteer library - so it will need some TLC before it can be merged. I'll work on moving towards the same processing flow though.

As for void *data instead of unsigned char array ? My version was putting pre-processed packets in there, so i could simply cast data to appropriate type.

process_log_in(*command.client, (const LogIn *);
// or
add_new_character(command,(CreateChar *);

and more importantly, queue and vector are storing the values, and given that data_ is holding a whole array any operation will have to actually move/copy the whole array contents. My approach only requires a single pointer copy ( so 4/8 bytes vs copying MAX_PROTOCOL_PACKET_SIZE2 of bytes )

themuntdregger commented 9 years ago

Nice :+1: