Would it be possible, to have full categories be required or suggested? That way we could for example get the AI swapper required and AIs be fixed for plugins that require them... (without needing to go to the config and putting required in there manually)
On that note:
Can we maybe get the required/suggested buttons put into the space here left of the caret when the mode is active permanently?
I personally feel like they should just be part of the creation process and not a hover over, which is tedious especially if you want to hit like MANY of them one after another to fix a lot of options. For the final release i am also giving people some lessons on how these work and its just not really useable right now, i mean it is but its hard to explain why it looks like it does now ^^
On that note @Monsterfisch it would be nice to have two destinct cons for these.
I would say the required/suggested shoud not be a tickbox but instead a toggle, that has two sides, one is green or sth and one is red, or something like this, where the red one means its required and can't be modified by other extensions and the green one would make sure that its just a suggested value, following the normal logic for priority merging.
The reset icon could be something like a reload arrow, maybe we already have one? I am sure you ll probably have a better idea for it...
Would it be possible, to have full categories be required or suggested? That way we could for example get the AI swapper required and AIs be fixed for plugins that require them... (without needing to go to the config and putting required in there manually)
On that note:
Can we maybe get the required/suggested buttons put into the space here left of the caret when the mode is active permanently? I personally feel like they should just be part of the creation process and not a hover over, which is tedious especially if you want to hit like MANY of them one after another to fix a lot of options. For the final release i am also giving people some lessons on how these work and its just not really useable right now, i mean it is but its hard to explain why it looks like it does now ^^
On that note @Monsterfisch it would be nice to have two destinct cons for these.