UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
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Giving the player slot an AIC/AIV #1018

Open Panbutt opened 1 year ago

Panbutt commented 1 year ago

I had a thought and I have no idea if this was previously discussed somewhere because I couldn't locate anything.

Is it possible to give the player an AIC? Basically turn the player slot into a nameless AI lord.

The topic of an automated marketplace comes up often and I wonder if a potential way of doing it without using a third-party tool is to give the player slot it's own AIC to manage resources.

An immediate downside to this is that because of how the AIC works, any unit you manually train would be put into defense and cannot be commanded. So another question would be, how much of the AI code can you remove from an AIC without it breaking.

Overall this came to me because I enjoy using the "Spectator bug" where a player and AI lord occupy the same slot and can both play at the same time. It made me wonder if you could just straight up give the player their own AIC, maybe even possible their own AIVs too.

gynt commented 1 year ago

So, basically you are an AI except unit control.

I love the idea. Would be great if you can think about this more! For example, what would you like to be in control of and what not? You mention market place behaviour. What about requesting/sending goods? Taxes, Fear Factor, food. Farm placement.

Do you want an AIV too? That is more difficult because AI have special permissions that humans do not have: such as overbuilding units with towers walls and gates.

What would be the minimal feature you would be very happy with already? (: