UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
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Hunter Huts and how AIs use them #168

Open Panbutt opened 5 years ago

Panbutt commented 5 years ago

Hunter Huts are an interesting food building and sadly one that is rarely, if not ever used. With the AI, they're rather bugged. You can place them down manually in AIVs however doing so means the AI will even build them on maps with no deer. As a result, hunting huts can take up much needed population as the AIs will never put them to sleep.

Is it possible to change how AIs handle Hunting Huts? The subject was brought up before a while ago, but I think it warrants a little more discussion as hunting huts can improve the economy of AIs.

My train of thought was to use Woodcutter AI logic for Hunting Huts. For Woodcutters, the AI will place a set amount and eventually demolish them the less trees are on the map. I think this should be applied to Huts as well. AIs will build a set amount, but eventually put them to sleep or demolish them as deer populations dwindle.

I'm unsure if this is already in the game, but it would also be greatly beneficial if deer repopulated as time went on. A condition could be in place where when the deer population hits a near-extinction level, the AI will put all Hunting Huts to sleep and allow the deer to repopulate to a certain percentage. I'm unsure how much finagling this would require.

If this does not seem feasible, I would at least like it if AIs put Huts to sleep when there are no deer. Instead of having them use up peasants to just stand there.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Hunting hut ! #46 I also suggested a topic but I was ignored. I would also like to see what happens.

Sh0wdown commented 5 years ago

It would indeed be nice, but I think it's rather complex, so don't put your hopes up.

Hunting hut ! #46 I also suggested a topic but I was ignored. I would also like to see what happens.

Just because I do not write a comment does not mean I am ignoring it. ;) You didn't have to close your topic.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

I would like to see the AI using deer resources if they are on the map, but the problem with this is population and popularity though, if they use hunter huts, some of the AIs population may become too high and they may lose their +8 bonus from ale or maximum religious bonus or simply run out of peasants by the campfire.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Sh0wdown It's my fault that I closed the topic

Panbutt commented 5 years ago

It would indeed be nice, but I think it's rather complex, so don't put your hopes up.

Understandable, it sounds like you'd have to wrestle with multiple things. Like said, at least allowing AIs to put huts to sleep when there's no deer is a good starting point.

Heroesflorian commented 5 years ago

Also, one thing I always found a bit sad is that hunters shoot hostile soldiers in SH1 and in SHC scenarios, but not on SHC skirmish maps... I always really liked the "military potential" of hunters in SH1. For custom scenarios they work really well, and for SHC skirmish-scenarios they'd be great, too.

I could very well imagine a few hunters e.g. in/around the Sultan's castles to strengthen his defenses by helping pick off hostile troops that approach when there is no deer on the map, or go hunting and collect meat when there is deer. Certainly, the hunters would stand no chance to withstand an army, but they would make it less viable to snipe off Sultan's slingers and fire throwers with a handful of archers.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Yes if woodcutters can attack enemies then definitively hunters should be able to I think!

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Also, perhaps rabbits on the map should be also targeted by hunters at hunters huts. Obviously more rabbits would have to be killed to provide a big enough amount of meat to carry to the granary.