UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
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Instant Crusader crash when trying to use AIV features from the patched AIV Editor #208

Open Heroesflorian opened 5 years ago

Heroesflorian commented 5 years ago

I just downloaded the patched village.exe (from the 2.07 release, as I found no newer one), copied the entire AIV Editor folder, replaced the original with the patched village.exe there, then copied an existing AIV file with the patched version of the AIV Editor and placed a couple additional siege engine spots on that AIV (to have 9-10 spots for each of the four possible siege engine types), and saved the AIV file.

Then I copied that modified AIV file from the AIV Editor's village directory to the Crusader aiv directory and launched Crusader (patched with 2.09 release), started a game with that AIV, and as soon as the engineers guild was built (which also is the point from that on siege engines / tents can be placed by the AI), Crusader crashed instantly. So I restarted Crusader, restarted a match with that same AIV, and it crashed again as soon as the engineers guild was built... I tried a couple more times, but it crashed each and every time.

Did I make any mistake in the patched AIV Editor setup process? Is the 2.07 release village.exe only compatible with Crusader with patch 2.07? Or are those additional siege engine spots just very buggy?

Monsterfisch commented 5 years ago

probably a good idea to attach the save file

Heroesflorian commented 5 years ago

probably a good idea to attach the save file

Indeed, although I am trying to narrow it down a bit first (while simultaneously shedding at least a bit of light on another issue: on a differently-modified version of the same base AIV, it worked (or didn't crash yet, at least), so I am doing a couple versions with different modifications now... although I probably won't get to finish those tests until tomorrow evening.

What I can say already is that some of the additional siege engine slots sometimes usually get "skipped" (never placed), partially based on the presence or absence of certain other siege engine slots it seems... And sometimes, some tents get placed but never manned (and nope, those tents in question were not siege attack or harassment siege engines).

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

I had that problem as well. Try only placing 9 fire ballista and trebuchets at max.

Sh0wdown commented 5 years ago

Try only placing 9 fire ballista and trebuchets at max.

Yea, there seem to be some more limits than I found back then, so try to do this.

Is the 2.07 release village.exe only compatible with Crusader with patch 2.07?

Should work with any version.

Heroesflorian commented 5 years ago

@ByBurton That did indeed seem to be the issue... 10th Tre / FBal spots.

Still, the other slots are kinda buggy and unreliable so far... pity.

ByBurton commented 4 years ago

@Heroesflorian Could you please change the title of this issue so it reflects the problem with trebuchets, mangonels, fire ballistae and towre ballistae?