UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
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Stronghold Crusader Extreme UnofficialPatch too #210

Closed GGM90 closed 5 years ago

GGM90 commented 5 years ago

I've installed it the latest patch for crusader from this page, but i realize there only works for the normal Crusader and not for the Extreme version. It would be awesome if the patch had the compatibility to this version too, like the bugs fixes, improvements, change color, etc. Thanks you guys!

Sh0wdown commented 5 years ago

If you rename "Stronghold Crusader Extreme.exe" temporarily to "Stronghold Crusader.exe" before applying the patch, you should be able to get the changes for extreme too. Some of them might not work though (total troop limit f.e.), so you have to test a bit.

But yea, I should add an option to the setup to patch Extreme too.

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

Haha, I actually forgot that there is an extreme version of Crusader,

Heroesflorian commented 5 years ago

Hmm... I think this here is a duplicate of this older issue (which also shows another "use case" for SHC-E besides the "commonly known stuff" that isn't currently available in regular SHC) from November:

GGM90 commented 5 years ago

If you rename "Stronghold Crusader Extreme.exe" temporarily to "Stronghold Crusader.exe" before applying the patch, you should be able to get the changes for extreme too. Some of them might not work though (total troop limit f.e.), so you have to test a bit.

But yea, I should add an option to the setup to patch Extreme too.

-It would be awesome if you do it, man!

GGM90 commented 5 years ago

There's other improvement you should put in the next update. I realize, that when a AI enemie send you a video message, they appear with the same color as me, for example, if i put the patch with the yellow color for me, then in game, playing with AI, one of them is red now, right? Yep, but when the red one send me a message it will appear with the same colour as me in the video message, in this case, the yellow color. It's a minor issue, but i think it could be good if you fix it too :)

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Also some of the features of Stronghold Crusader Extreme that make it different to Stronghold Crusader could do with some patching too! Some changes I would like to see in Stronghold Crusader Extreme:

  1. the first change I would really like to see is that some of the spawned units could be sent to the controlling AI's castle and used defensively by AIs, particularly archers, fire throwers, crossbowmen, slingers and Arabian archers

  2. some spawned troops of the type the AI uses can be sent to the castle to make up the siege force.

  3. AI slaves spawned will dig up moats

  4. Reduce the effect of the rock volley a bit, its too strong I think! Also the gold amount you get with the gold ability is too much I think.

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

The AI should be able to use those abilities. Why restrict it to human players only?

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

The AI should be able to use those abilities. Why restrict it to human players only?

Great idea! So maybe the abilities don't need nerfed but simply AIs need to start using them.

All AIs should use the lowest power, the arrow volley, occasionally, but as for saving up for the higher abilities, different AIs should use different abilities based on their personalities. The economist Emir would focus mostly on using the gold generation ability whereas the brutal Pig would more often use the rock volley! Marshall and Phillip obviously would focus on summoning knights and for Rat, summoning spearmen should be his focus.

The AI using the abilities, together with the AI using spawned units more sensibly, to defend as well as attack with, would make Stronghold Crusader Extreme much better.

Heroesflorian commented 5 years ago

It would certainly make SHC-E more demanding, but probably the skirmish trail will be completely impossible to complete then! :D

Most missions there are balanced by the formula "AI gets tons of outposts, human gets abilities"... if now AI uses outposts more effectively, and gets abilitities as well on top of that, then human players wouldn't stand a chance probably - especially against multiple AI opponents.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Well I don't know about abilities at the minute, but AIs in Stronghold Crusader Extreme should be modified to use their outpost troops to defend as well as attack at least, I really don't like how the AI's outpost troops all just automatically attack, as it takes the personality of the AIs out of the game. Outpost troops, if they are the right types of troops for an AI, should join gathering siege forces in AI castles too.

Also outpost catapults need to be actually used by the AI properly, they move them way too close to enemy walls.

Sh0wdown commented 5 years ago

The patcher will also edit Extreme now in the upcoming version 2.10.