UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
430 stars 59 forks source link

A big hello from Russianstory mod on Stronghold #273

Open Russianstory opened 5 years ago

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Good afternoon friends! I am very glad that you do! This will be the most decent mod on the legendary game !! Some innovations that I had time to see I have long wanted, but no one was engaged in this! I am very pleased to know that there are still people who make a decent mod for a decent game! Thank you very much! With your permission, I will be very happy if you allow me to write some of your wishes. Can you ever read them or even implement them. I am an ordinary person myself. I do not know how to work with games! Well, please read my ideas!

Добрый день друзья! Я очень рад тому, что вы делаете! Это будет самый достойный мод на легендарную игру!! Некоторые нововведения, что я успел увидеть я давно хотел, но никто этим не занимался! Мне очень приятно знать, что есть ещё люди, которые делают достойный мод на достойную игру! Спасибо вам большое! С вашего позволения я буду очень рад если вы разрешите мне написать некоторые свои пожелания. Может бы вы когда-нибудь прочитаете их или даже реализуете. Я сам обычный человек. Я не умею так работать с играми! Ну пожалуйста ознакомьтесь с моими идеями!

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

These are all my ideas. If any of this is an opportunity to release, then it will be great! 1) the Bundle of straw – used for putting enemies on fire as a cheap way of defense. It can be used for free then grain farm is built; 2) the Boiled water vat – cheap way of castle defense. It is doing less damage and cost lower than boiling oil. 3) the ability to dig tunnels from the castle for infantry. To perform sudden strikes and to make a sortie; 4) the ability to place infantry units inside houses and on the roofs of barracks, guilds of tunnel diggers and engineers; 5) the ability to cross water moat for Arabian slinger; 6) the Beehive building to produce honey and wax workshop building to produce wax; 7) the Fisherman’s hut building to procure fish; 7.1) the Fishman’s house to process fish; 8) the Henhouse building to breed chickens and collect eggs for food; 9) the ability to increase production of hop and wheat by building more wells. (Because well gives clean water for irrigation and drinking); 10) the Kitchen garden building for growing fruits and vegetables; 11) the Healer from pharmacy can craft poisons for arrows; 12) the ability for Healer to heal wounded units (Lord included); 13) the earth rampart before castle walls and towers for increasing time for enemy to reach the wall; 14) the ability to shoot from siege weapons with logs, straw balls, and tar balls; 15) the smoke from the fire. Smoke from fire do damage to living units; 16) the ability to automatically buy/sell any goods and the ability to set amount of goods to buy/sell and time for this action; 17) the ability to transfer to the player (or computer) the control of army or building. I.e. under the color of flag and under full control; 18) the ability to create unit formation;

1) to Slightly increase the range of fire for European archer; 2) to give the Spearmen the ability to always run and attack with acceleration. This will slightly increase his protection against arrows and rocks and gives him a bonus damage for the first strike. Also, increase his HP for the amount of one arrow; 3) the resource processing ratio. I.e. one plank is enough to craft three bows or two crossbows. One iron ingot is enough to craft two swords or three clubs; 4) to increase capacity of granary, armory, and warehouse; 5) to increase capacity of hovels from 8 to 10; 6) to increase initial number of population w/o houses up to 15 people; 7) to create flexible system of initial resources with the possibility to fully change the starting options and resources before battle begins; 8) to enhance AI, so it can play smart and cause problems to player; 9) to strengthen and develop computer’s opponent castles; 10) to add eastern computer’s opponent eastern buildings and religious buildings; 11) to add the ability for eastern Lords to produce they own weapons and hire they own warriors. 12) to slightly increase parameters for all units; 13) to increase the capacity of all towers, gates, and walls. Make walls wider so units can go in two rows on the walls; 14) to give the ability to rotate all building (around the center of building, in 4 directions) for better placement and more rational usage of free space; 15) to increase map size up to 600х600; 16) to increase the number of computer opponents up to 12 (plus 1 human player); 17) to increase the number of animal resources and the fertile lands on the map; 18) to remove army size limit; 19) to decrease the size of milk farm and apple garden for increasing free space on the map; 20) to add the ability to hire more peasants for iron and cheese productions and for growing apples, hop, wheat.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Я думаю что некоторые идеи из этого списка не реализуемы ибо движок Stronghold Crusade еще не так хорошо изучен и ограничен.

I think that some ideas from this list are not realizable because the Stronghold Crusade engine is not so well studied and limited.

brotolisk commented 5 years ago

to give the Spearmen the ability to always run and attack with acceleration. This will slightly increase his protection against arrows and rocks and gives him a bonus damage for the first strike. Also, increase his HP for the amount of one arrow;

This would be great since spearmen are pretty trash currently

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

This would be great since spearmen are pretty trash currently

Friend, I fully agree with you! That's why I would really like if the developed fashion can realize this. Just a spearman, he really is a very light infantry with only a stick with an iron tip. And light infantry should at least move faster. The speed of movement should be the main advantage of the spearman. Dear authors of fashion. I beg you very much please read the points. Note. I understand that you are much closer to a regular player in Stronghold. You understood better than anyone what needs to be corrected in the game and kk improve it without losing the atmosphere of the good old Stronghold 1. Also I beg you to improve the characteristics of the European archer. He is never more profitable than an Arab. Since, after all, a European longbow, I think, it would be better if he can shoot further than his colleagues. Shoot farther than the arab archer. It somehow balances the difference between a dear Arab and a cheap European. It would also be great if the Arab swordsman were a bit more interesting unit for its price. =) What about slingers? They will not be able to force the moats, that is, to cross them?

Друг я с тобой полностью солидарен! Вот поэтому я и очень бы хотел если разрабы мода сумеют это реализовать. Просто копейщик он и правда очень лёгкая пехота у которой только палка с железным наконечником. А лёгкая пехота должна хотя бы двигаться быстрее. Скорость перемещения должна быть главным плюсом копейщика. Уважаемые авторы мода. Крайне очень вас сильно прошу прочтите пункты. Обратите внимание. Я понял что вы намного более близки к обычному игроку в Стронгхолд. Вы лучше всех поняли что нужно подправить в игре и кк её улучшить, не потеряв при этом атмосферы старого доброго Стронгхолда 1. Также очень прошу улучшить характеристики европейского лучника. Он ни разу не выгоднее араба. Так как все-таки у европейца лонгбоу то, думаю, лучше будет если он сможет стрелять дальше своих коллег. Стрелять дальше чем арабский лучник. Это хоть как-то сбалансирует разницу между да дорогим арабом и дешёвы европейцем. Также было бы здорово если бы арабский мечник был чуть более интересным юнитом за свою цену. =) А что насчёт пращников? они не смогут форсировать рвы, то есть переходить их?

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Я думаю что некоторые идеи из этого списка не реализуемы ибо движок Stronghold Crusade еще не так хорошо изучен и ограничен.

I think that some ideas from this list are not realizable because the Stronghold Crusade engine is not so well studied and limited. Да понимаю ты прав на 120%. Это моя фантазия...просто скажи пожалста. А есть ли связь с официальным разработчиком? Сможет ли он помочь если что вдруг? Я уже писал правда письма им...но безответно.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

А есть ли возможность изменения управления с левой кнопки мыши на левая кнопка мыши+правя кнопка мыши? Можно использовать систему комбинаций клавиш как в игре Казаки Back то Wаr. Это очень удобно. Можно ли увеличить размеры карты до 600х600 800х800 Можно ли увеличить количество игроков в режиме случайная схватка? Можно ли изменить начальные параметры перед боем?

Is it possible to change the control from the left mouse button to the left mouse button + right mouse button? You can use the system of key combinations as in the game Cossacks Back то Wаr. It is very convenient. Is it possible to increase the size of the card to 600x600 800x800 Is it possible to increase the number of players in the random fight mode? Is it possible to change the initial parameters before the fight?

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Скажите а реально ли добавить юнитам ещё фраз? Просто во втором Стронгхолдтам реплик у солдат больше. Будет здорово если фразы из других частей перенесут на первую часть. НЕ ЗАМЕНЯТ а добавят.

Tell me is it possible to add more phrases to units? Just in the second Stronghold replicas from the soldiers more. It will be great if phrases from other parts are transferred to the first part. DO NOT REPLACE but add.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Я думаю когда разработчик @Sh0wdown зайдет на форум вы сможете с ним поговорить про все ваши идеи. У него под ником (Busy) это означает что он немного занят.... Ждем .....

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Russianstory А пока что проверьте пожалуйста ошибки Русского перевода в Лаунчере если хотите помочь мне и всем Русскоязычным игрокам. Если вам не сложно .... И скрины в студию. Спасибо!

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

А есть ли связь с официальным разработчиком? Сможет ли он помочь если что вдруг? Я уже писал правда письма им...но безответно.

@Russianstory Написал выше ....

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Ок пожалста кинь ещё раз ссылку на русификатор и куда его надо в игре поместить?

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Ок пожалста кинь ещё раз ссылку на русификатор и куда его надо в игре поместить?

ммм.. там скриншоты при установке.... И Русский встроен в Лаунчер. #70 P.S на 70 нажми

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Ок установлю погляжу что там и как

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Но у меня нет Стимовской версии игры только другие варианты... всякие...

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Но у меня нет Стимовской версии игры только другие варианты... всякие...

ммм... Попробуйте пиратку Stronghold Crusade 1.41.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

You have some great ideas....Russianstory!

the Bundle of straw – used for putting enemies on fire as a cheap way of defense. It can be used for free then grain farm is built;

the Boiled water vat – cheap way of castle defense. It is doing less damage and cost lower than boiling oil.

the ability to dig tunnels from the castle for infantry. To perform sudden strikes and to make a sortie;

These all sound brilliant, I would like more castle defences such as baskets of stones which can be built at the walls which fall when enemies get close (like those from Strnghold 2). Hopefully with the work that is starting to be done on producing new graphics here more things can be done with castle defence.

the earth rampart before castle walls and towers for increasing time for enemy to reach the wall;

Interesting idea. Perhaps it could be created from the displaced earth after digging a moat! A dry moat on high ground has also been proposed before on here.

the ability to place infantry units inside houses and on the roofs of barracks, guilds of tunnel diggers and engineers;

Fantastic idea, to place units on the roofs of flat roofed buildings like the houses and barracks would allow for some interesting strategies, especially in multiplayer. And it makes sense allowing units access to every flat roof.

the Fisherman’s hut building to procure fish; 7.1) the Fishman’s house to process fish;

I love the idea of fishing, I mentioned it before. The water is not really used in Stronghold Crusader and it would be good if it was of use.

the Healer from pharmacy can craft poisons for arrows;

Wow this is a very different but very good idea! I don't know how this would be put into practice though.

the smoke from the fire. Smoke from fire do damage to living units;

I like this idea! But it should do less damage than disease from thrown cows would, as fire happens over a much wider area.

to give the Spearmen the ability to always run and attack with acceleration. This will slightly increase his protection against arrows and rocks and gives him a bonus damage for the first strike. Also, increase his HP for the amount of one arrow;

This has been mentioned on here before, I think spearmen be able to charge when approaching an enemy or enemy building, same with monks.

the resource processing ratio. I.e. one plank is enough to craft three bows or two crossbows. One iron ingot is enough to craft two swords or three clubs;

I think the resource processing ratio is fine as it is. It would be too quick and easy for a human player to gather a big army with lower amounts of resources for weapons.

to create flexible system of initial resources with the possibility to fully change the starting options and resources before battle begins;

Yes this would be great, especially enabling the AIs to start with lots of missile units so they can defend their walls quickly at the start.

to add eastern computer’s opponent eastern buildings and religious buildings;

This is being done, a mosque has been created here but isn't yet in the patch, hopefully soon it will be

to increase map size up to 600х600;

to increase the number of computer opponents up to 12 (plus 1 human player);

These points have been discussed recently on here, I think it was deemed too hard to do at the minute, but hopefully in the future it can be done.

to decrease the size of milk farm and apple garden for increasing free space on the map;

This has been proposed on here recently, with a mixed response, some of us think it would be a good change but some think the farm sizes are OK as they are.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

PitchNeeded Dear friend, thank you very much for appreciating my ideas =))))). I understand that you have already reached many things yourself without me) I'm here as if as an adviser with an already known recipe). I myself am a complete zero in programming and game devs, although my mod is slowly moving ... ((. I just really wanted this to be implemented by the developers, but they forgot the first part of the game ... but I didn’t like the next ones completely. And then I learned about I was very inspired by you and me. I saw the results I dreamed of since I got acquainted with the game. Moreover, I have personally written descriptions and characters of heroes, new Lords, I can throw here to read it, but I haven’t painted their appearance but I'm looking for a man who can draw on my m texts. And also there is a little backstory to their appearance.

Дорогой друг спасибо большое что высоко оценили мои идеи =))))). Я понимаю что вы уже и без меня дошли до многих вещей сами) Я тут как будто как советник с уже известным рецептом). я сам полный ноль в программировании и геймдеве, хотя мод мой медленно движется...((. Просто очень хотелось, чтоб это было реализовано разработчиками, но они забыли первую часть игры...а последующие мне не понравились полностью. А тут узнал о вас и меня это очень воодушевило. Я увидел те результаты, о которых мечтал с момента знакомства с игрой. Более того у меня есть написанные мною лично описания и характеры героев, новых Лордов. могу кинуть сюда чтоб вы почитали. НО ещё не рисовали их внешность, но я ищу человека, который сможет нарисовать по моим текстам. А так же есть небольшая предыстория к их появлению.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Lord Falcon: Reserved, noble, intelligent and competent strategist and ruler. Skillful warrior and hunter by nature. Not afraid of difficulties and always ready to fight for prey. Completely independent and independent host. Does not sit out in the rear and does not attack with a swoop. Like a falcon, he carefully adjusts his tactics, honing her to the smallest details and gaining a strong army, and then with a sharp jerk he delivers the first, only and crushing blow. Gaining a large army mainly mobile kind (cavalry). Supporter of mobile units using various melee weapons. Also, do not hesitate and horse archers, catapults, trebuchets. At his disposal all sorts of arrows and good infantry. But the vanguard is a powerful, heavily armored cavalry. His castle resembles a cozy nest. In it, everything is provided for a good life, but at the same time, the castle and well fortified. On the walls, gates, towers are constantly on duty large groups of shooters. The infantry is near its commander. The regular and main force that protects the tranquility of the townspeople is mobile cavalry of various kinds. The shelves of Falcon are a reliable support to their owner. There is no such fortress that his rati would not have taken. But most productively, the Falcon army shows itself in field battles, competently using the terrain features and personal experience. Lord Falcon is a reliable ally, a competent owner and a formidable force.

Lord Owl (Lord Owl): Beautiful night hunter. Master of surprise attacks. Excellent leader and tactician. Very clever and competent lord. His tactics are stealth, stealth, disguise. In addition to the ability to disguise, he personally controls the troops on the battlefield, not shy away from himself to get involved in a fight. His army is full of all sorts of skillful technology. Protective equipment, means to fight with cavalry, ambush means - this is his strength. But, being a hunter from birth, the Owl disposes her castle taking into account the peculiarities of the surrounding terrain, trying to use the maximum possibilities of the landscape. Also, he likes to make beautiful and comfortable locks, with numerous protection and traps. Another distinctive ability of the Owl is his ability to prepare his rear. Therefore, in the castle there are a lot of various civil and military buildings. By the nature he is laconic, not arrogant, strict and serious, keeps everything in himself, but he makes clear and quick decisions. Capable of improvisation. Uses light and medium infantry and a variety of equestrian compounds, siege machines of various kinds. Favorite ambush tactics and ringing are also able and often use the diversion of enemy troops by a small number of units and a sharp blow from the flank. It may enter into alliances but does not make any sudden movements, as well as it does not climb on the rampage. It contains its castle in abundance and purity. Great economist. Color - gray, age 40 years.

Lord Bear (Lord Bear): Highly respected in his possessions, among the allies and in the camp of the enemy lord. Fearless, smart, strong, very competent owner, an excellent strategist and a talented commander under whose leadership the troops win victories time after time. His fortress is almost impregnable, surrounded by a developed system of protection and warning of the enemy. Builds all kinds of towers and gates. A line of wolf holes and resin ditches, preceded by a good wide water ditch, runs around the castle. Towers gates and walls are filled with arrows of different levels. Also puts siege tower tools everywhere. Inside the castle, everything is located just fine. There are all the necessary buildings and all production, which provides the fortress with a high survival rate and a rich treasury. The bear is a very rich lord. Rich but not generous. In military affairs, guided by personal experience and wit. It is thanks to this that everything that can be won wins ... (except for the roulette at the Casino). The richest treasury allows him to use all kinds of troops, which, by the way, he always does. The high morale of his army, equipment to the teeth, a large number and personal authority of the Bear makes this military machine truly invulnerable to any enemy. The strongest lord with the strongest castle, powerful economy and the strongest army in the history of the Crusades to the East. What is similar to its predecessor - the Wolf. But at times stronger.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Lord Ram (Lord Ram): Stubborn, uncompromising, a little stupid and rested on their goals and desires. Uses a powerful siege technique (of course, rams too) heavily armed warriors, well-protected shooters. He likes to build unsophisticated, but very strong locks with a well-developed system of circular defense, in combination with a large number of towers of different sizes and gates. The economy is given to him is unimportant, but in military affairs it is quite successful and dangerous. A lover of direct but powerful crushing blows. Grand battlefield and siege is his element. Meanwhile, despite the indifference to the well-being of their slaves, his castle is provided with all the necessary goods, and people do not feel abandoned and idlers. What is similar to its predecessor - Kabana. But stronger and more dangerous.

Lord Hare (Lord Hare): Vanity, fast, cowardly and indecisive lord. He wants to live in peace so that nothing and, importantly, no one bothers him. Most of all he fears when he is in danger from other lords. Supporter of quick attacks, attacks and constant wear down the enemy from a distance. Hence his love for long-range equipment and arrows at various levels. Like any hunted and mortally frightened hare can, for fear, kill the most dangerous enemy. It has a small castle, but it is not bad at equipping it, giving people food, churches and entertainment things. The people support him. Its fortress consists of walls of average thickness of the gate and a large number of towers, among which are quite high watchtowers. This is a consequence of his great desire to beat the enemy from a distance, while remaining safe. Therefore, the towers have a full arsenal of siege tower technology and all kinds of shooting warriors. Not a fan of long sieges. Supporter of fast movements of the war "from afar". What is similar to its predecessor - Rat

Lord Raven: Taciturn, secretive, treacherous and lord on his own mind. She doesn’t tell anyone about her plans. Pursuing his goals known only to him. Almost never enters into agreements and alliances. Lonely in spirit. Like any raven, this warlord sits and watches how the next quarrel between the neighbors will end. Enters the battle, when either there is danger in the form of the death of the castle, its siege, the complete enslavement of its possessions, or when it is gaining a powerful army that guarantees one hundred percent victory. Since he observes his enemies neighbors more, this gives him the opportunity to learn their tactics and strategy. Hence, in its ranks, various types of troops: heavy infantry and fast cavalry, siege vehicles, arrows, knights and commoners, armed with a variety of weapons. He rebuilds his castle firmly and firmly. Uses high sentinel turrets to prevent the appearance of enemy hordes, large and medium towers which have the maximum number of shooters. It is not indifferent to tower tools, oil, wolf holes. Known as a very decent economist and fair lord. His castle is always in abundance, the army is fed and armed to the teeth. Not like anyone ...

Lord Fox (Lord Fox): Weasel, sly, often a liar, a crook and a deceiver, who wants profit and benefits for himself. This lord is very cunning and cunning. Despite this very clever and prudent. It will not allow to circle oneself around the finger. It has a grasp and a lively mind that more than once saved him in the most difficult situations and seemingly fatal finals. In fairness, it is worth saying that his "talent" to dodge to dodge deception and led to almost fatal results. In the desire to deceive him he has no equal, even if it is the Pope of Rome. Its essence is fully disclosed in the conduct of business in the castle and in military enterprises. Builds very strong locks. Uses his trick for the benefit of .... (the city and all Kharkiv citizens) .... his castle. In his arsenal of oil, ditches, wolf pits, arrows on the towers and walls. Always puts siege tower machines, uses shields, fire ballista and catapults. In field battles and sieges, he always uses his favorite tactics: he tries to attack not head-on, but comes from the flanks and seeks to destroy vital buildings. Uses tunnel diggers, assassins, shooters of various levels, and all fast units. Gaining very large armies and using them very competently ... otherwise he would not be so successful. In some ways, similar to its predecessor - Snake

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

And this is the background for bots. Many went to the Crusade, but not everyone was able to return from it. The Third Crusade (1189-1192) is over. Many people and nobles died. Many have not returned. Someone remained forever to lie in the hot sands of the East, someone managed to avoid a sad fate, and they returned home. But there were those who remained in the Holy Land and continued to conquer the Eastern Territories. New people arrived at the place of the departed. Tens of thousands of peasants and impoverished lords were looking for a use for themselves ... The era of Saladin and the Lionheart was gone ... new noble figures entered the political arena. The 13th century was generally unfortunate for the Crusader movement. Suffering failures and defeats, the faithful soldiers of Christ went to the Holy Land in an endless stream. But popularity with each new call to go to the infidels - was lost. Thus, by the 1250th year, the former crush and inspiration had almost dried up. Beginning in 1195, the Middle East became a territory for internecine wars, campaigns and showdowns among local lords and among missionaries from Western Europe. The very end of the 12th century, and almost the entire 13th century, gradually diminished the interest in conquests to the glory of the Christian faith, giving way to personal gain and clarification of relationships. In the wake of these events, new warlords set out from Western Europe who wanted to enslave the population, seize the most prosperous fruitful lands, increase their authority and increase the number of their troops. Their names are Lord Hare, Lord Baran, Lord Raven, Lord Lys, Lord Bear. Lord Baran traveled directly through Spain, crossing Gibraltar and moving along the sands of northern Africa. The path is quite long exhausting and stupid. Lords Hare Fox and Bear concluded a temporary alliance. They planned to go by sea, but the cunning Fox turned it all in their favor and recovered by sea itself, while the Lords Hare and Bear went on land through well-known well-known routes through the lands of the Balkan peoples and Byzantium. As for the Raven, the time of his arrival on the territory of the Holy Land is not clear. It is also not clear how he got there. By the time the remaining Lords were justified, Raven was able to take a small fortress with a good oasis, providing himself with food and drinking water. He knows his counterparts well, that's why he avoids their company. Being already with some lands, he immediately began intelligence activities. I found out who is fighting and trading with someone. Upon the arrival of the other participants, Raven already had a good army, strengthened power in the region, and quietly calmly built a castle, simultaneously reflecting the attacks of neighbors and nomadic robber gangs. The first of the remaining participants of the campaign was the Fox, then the Bear and the Hare, and Baran arrived in time for the last. Since then, the story began ...

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

I also really want new AIs ...

Я тоже очень хочу новых ИИ ...

Panbutt commented 5 years ago

Just a reminder, without the source code of SHC adding entirely new things like mechanics, buildings, units, lords, etc are likely not possible right now. Plus they would require entirely new graphics, sounds and coding. Yeah people can photoshop sprites together but actually getting it functioning in-game without the source code is going to be extremely difficult or not possible at all.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Dear friend! I understand perfectly that much has been done and much will be done. I believe that everything is implemented in fashion. I am also ready to wait for release. I do not gloat and do not urge and do not express discontent. I quite understand how this torturer is hard and long to modify the game, especially Stronghold 1. I fully agree with you and support the improvements in the game. You are applying for a full name Stronghold Crusader 2 (2d).

Уважаемый товарищ! Я прекрасно понимаю что многое сделано и многое будет сделано. Я верю что всё реализуется в моде. Я также готов ждать релиза. Я нисколько не злорадствую и не подгоняю и не высказываю недовольство. Я прекорасно понимаю как это мучитель тяжело и долго модифицировать игру, особенно Стронгхолд 1. Я полностью согласен с вами и поддерживаю улучшения в игре. Вы претендуете на полноценное название Стронгхолд Крусадер 2 (2д ).

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Lolasik011 если хочешь, то я могу скинуть тебе полностью русский текст описания Ботов и предысторию. а то тут просто слишком много написанного получится.

Sh0wdown commented 5 years ago

Lots of innovative ideas, but most of them are not really possible without access to the source code. The ones I listed below should be possible (but that does not mean they will be implemented very soon).

  1. the ability to increase production of hop and wheat by building more wells. (Because well gives clean water for irrigation and drinking);

  2. the ability for Healer to heal wounded units (Lord included);

This is already possible since v2.09!

  1. the ability to transfer to the player (or computer) the control of army or building. I.e. under the color of flag and under full control;

  2. to Slightly increase the range of fire for European archer;

  3. to give the Spearmen the ability to always run and attack with acceleration. This will slightly increase his protection against arrows and rocks and gives him a bonus damage for the first strike. Also, increase his HP for the amount of one arrow;

  4. the resource processing ratio. I.e. one plank is enough to craft three bows or two crossbows. One iron ingot is enough to craft two swords or three clubs;

  5. to increase capacity of granary, armory, and warehouse;

  6. to increase capacity of hovels from 8 to 10;

  7. to increase initial number of population w/o houses up to 15 people;

  8. to strengthen and develop computer’s opponent castles;

You can already do this with FireFly's AIV editor

  1. to add eastern computer’s opponent eastern buildings and religious buildings;

  2. to slightly increase parameters for all units;

  3. to increase the number of animal resources and the fertile lands on the map;

  4. to remove army size limit;

You can just play Crusader Extreme. :P

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Огромное спасибо за подробный ответ!) Я так понял , что да, некоторые вещи просто нереализуемы без участия официальных разработчиков. Да я понимаю, что могу играть в экстрим....но он не то, что я бы хотел. это просто ХД версия с неограниченным числом войск и всё. Но всё равно спасибо вам за ответ! =) А вообще какие планы у вас на будущее? что ХОТИТЕ изменить, заменить, добавить? И что ВОЗМОЖНО ТОЧНО изменить в игре? а ЧТО ПРОСТО НЕЛЬЗЯ ИЗМЕНИТЬ?

Thank you so much for the detailed answer!) I understand that yes, some things are simply unrealizable without the participation of official developers. Yes, I understand that I can play extreme .... but he is not what I would like. it's just an HD version with an unlimited number of troops and that's it. But still thank you for the answer! =) In general, what are your plans for the future? What do you WANT to change, replace, add? And what is POSSIBLE to EXACTLY change in the game? WHAT CANNOT BE CHANGED?

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

This is a little information about my project. He is much weaker than yours and not completed yet. Therefore, there is no release ... I have been developing a mod for the game Stronghold Crusader 1 (2001) with a slant on Russian history of the 13th century for 10 years. The time is about the same. The mod includes a complete processing of sounds, music, graphics and other visual content. And the base, the AI and all the most important parts of the game will remain intact. Modification RS - RussianStory mod = (Rus mod) is a pure fan development free absolutely available and will be easily downloaded. Please look at the video demonstrating the modification to date. Now the most difficult thing for me is the graphics of buildings, units, living creatures and trees with bushes. Also not easy to have with soils. I would be very happy if you just find out about my project ... =) write questions are always happy to answer Here is a small modification of your favorite game =)

Это небольшая информация про мой проект. Он в разы слабее вашего и не доделан ещё. Поэтому релиза нет... Я уже 10 лет разрабатываю мод на игру Stronghold Crusader 1 (2001) с уклоном на русскую историю 13 века. Время примерно то же самое. Мод включает в себя полную переработку звуков, музыки, графики и остального визуального наполнения. А база, ИИ и все важнейшие части игры останутся нетронуты. Модификация RS – RussianStory mod=(Rus mod) это чисто фанатская разработка бесплатная абсолютно доступная и будет легко скачана. Прошу глянуть видео, демонстрирующие модификацию на сегодняшний день. Сейчас у меня самое сложное – это графика зданий, юнитов, живности и деревьев с кустами. Также нелегко придётся с грунтами. Буду очень рад если вы просто узнаете о моём проекте… =) пишите вопросы всегда рад ответить

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

If you allow me, can I link to this forum in my group? So that people see and know about you?

Если вы позволите, можно я ссылку на этот форум размещу у себя в группе? Чтоб люди видели и узнали о вас?

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Here are some screenshots from the mod. they are old already ... but it is in the game ... there was no release yet

Вот несколько скриншотов из мода. они старые уже... но это всё есть в игре...ещё не было релиза

Stronghold Crusader 2013-10-04 17-28-01-65 Stronghold Crusader 2013-11-13 20-05-43-93 Stronghold Crusader 2014-02-27 22-29-37-28 Stronghold Crusader 2014-02-27 22-33-17-82 Stronghold Crusader 2014-02-27 22-33-45-26 Stronghold Crusader 2014-02-27 22-40-55-60 Stronghold Crusader 2014-02-27 22-43-29-04 ОБРАЗЦЫ НОВОЫЙ ГРАФЫ

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Lolasik011 если хочешь, то я могу скинуть тебе полностью русский текст описания Ботов и предысторию. а то тут просто слишком много написанного получится.

Скидывай буду рад

Кстати посмотрел ваши Скриншоты они впечетляют !!! Некоторые Здания я б уже перенес в Stronghold !

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Спасибо) это старые работы.... здания хочу переделать и добавить другие постройки.. но художника нет.С этим просто трудно сейчас. Грунты делали парень один делал. Он осилил несколько типо грунтов а потом бросил... оччень жаль.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Russianstory Все ровно я думаю вы доделаете свой проект !

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Спасибо я его не брошу. Доведу или до финала или до логического конца какого-нибудь. =)

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

You have not heard the sounds in the fashion itself ... I personally did everything ... everything is fine there. IF I post my mod earlier, who happily ask you to borrow the sounds from my mod!

Ты ещё не слышал звуки в самом моде ...я лично всё делал... там всё хорошо. ЕСЛИ я выложу свой мод раньше, кто с радостью прошу вас заимствовать звуки из моего мода!

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Moreover, I have personally written descriptions and characters of heroes, new Lords, I can throw here to read it, but I haven’t painted their appearance but I'm looking for a man who can draw on my m texts. And also there is a little backstory to their appearance.

I like your ideas for characters!

I already proposed another AI lord: Lord Woolsack returning from Stronghold 1

His troop types would be pikemen, monks and archers. He would have a good economy, enabling him to raid and counterattack with big groups of pikemen and have sieges with monks, pikemen, trebuchets and archers. He would have +5 fear factor, apples and cheese farms, a few iron mines and stone quarries, and would have inns and a cathedral.

It was deemed too difficult to create a new AI lord, but if AI tactics can be changed then maybe it will be possible to create one eventually. I also proposed creating bandit camps for maps like there are in Stronghold 2.

Monsterfisch commented 5 years ago

How did you manage to have the roof on the big square tower to cover the entire top of the tower without messing up the look of the tower when units are place on top of it? i am myself doing some visual edits on the files and did pretty much the same i just couldnt figure out how to make the roof cover the entire top of the "idle" tower here is what it looks like atm on my end.


Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Monsterfisch Will your works be represented in the in a patch?

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Russianstory у вас спрашивает выше @Monsterfisch про текстуры .....

Monsterfisch commented 5 years ago

i am currently also working on a set of 128 new aiv castles based on real actual castles once I am done with that i would like to publish both the castles and the visual edits, either through the patcher or through a different place depending on how it works out but yea it will definitely become public at a point =)

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

i am currently also working on a set of 128 new aiv castles based on real actual castles once I am done with that i would like to publish both the castles and the visual edits, either through the patcher or through a different place depending on how it works out but yea it will definitely become public at a point =)

0_0 Wait !!!

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

@Russianstory у вас спрашивает выше @Monsterfisch про текстуры .....

Где? Что именно?)) не нашёл

Monsterfisch commented 5 years ago


How did you manage to have the roof on the big square tower to cover the entire top of the tower without messing up the look of the tower when units are place on top of it? i am myself doing some visual edits on the files and did pretty much the same i just couldnt figure out how to make the roof cover the entire top of the "idle" tower here is what it looks like atm on my end.


could you help me out here? =)

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

could you help me out here? =)

Дружище... я не знаю так как не я рисовал. Мне рисовали люди. Это было давно. ЗНАЮ, что крышу можно сделать ТОЧНО НО только на тех башнях, где изначально была крыша. Про местоположение крыши. Это просто у художника должна бять опытная рука. ТАм, как я могу объяснить - центр, высшая точка на крыше должна быть смещена чуть вверх. У нас башни получилисьнормально а вот рудгие постройки типа Казармы и оружейной с ошибками визуальными. Опять же, любой толковый хужоник или моделлер сразу поймёт о чём речь и сделает как надо. Но центр крыши надо смещать как бы чуть вверх к верхним бортам. Типа как будто на север, или северо-запад.

Buddy ... I do not know because I did not draw. I drew people. It was a long time ago. I KNOW that the roof can be made EXACTLY BUT only on those towers where the roof was originally. About the location of the roof. It's just that the artist should have an experienced hand. There, as I can explain - the center, the highest point on the roof should be shifted slightly up. We got the towers normally but here are the buildings of the Barracks type and the armory with visual errors. Again, any intelligent hozhonik or modeler immediately understand what they mean and do as it should. But the center of the roof should be shifted a little upwards to the upper sides. Type as if to the north or north-west.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Дружище... я не знаю так как не я рисовал. Мне рисовали люди.

Тот художник который рисовал текстуры , есть ли с ним связь ?

Buddy ... I do not know because I did not draw. I drew people. It was a long time ago.

The artist who painted the textures, is there a connection with him?

Monsterfisch commented 5 years ago

can you send me the 2 files (anim_castle.gm1 and tile_castle.gm1) containing the images so i can check it out, since I have a slight idea of how it is done but i would like to confirm before i jump into it.

here is the rundown of my issue essentially as you can see the image of the roof doesnt have the same width as the tower itself (and i cant change the size otherwise the file cant be added to the gm1)

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

I understand what's wrong with you. It seems. We have a roof on the tower and in general all the roofs in the modification were not as if inside, behind the battlements, but on top of the battlements of the tower. With such an oblique roof, we started from the teeth, flush. But you, not like us. CAN YOU HAVE PROBLEMS FROM YOUR ROOF? I will try to find the files and throw you ... damn ... I do not remember where they are ... but I will try. As the engineers said, "We'll try our best."

Я понял что у тебя не так. Кажется. У нас крыша на башне и вообще все крыши в модификации были не как бы внутри, за зубцами, а сверху зубцов башни. ТАким облразом крыша у нас начиналась от зубцов, заподлицо. У тебя же, не так как у нас. МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ отсюда и проблемы у тебя с крышей? Файлы постараюсь найти и кинуть тебе...блин...не помню где они...но постараюсь.Как говорили инженеры "We'll try our best."

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Тот художник который рисовал текстуры , есть ли с ним связь ?

нет никого уже давно. Все давно разбежались по разным причинам.....поэтому кстати, я так и не доделал мод...графика нужна а те кто её делает либо ленивые либо платные..... энтузиастов нет...за оочень редким исключением...

Monsterfisch commented 5 years ago

really hoping you find them as i am intensely curious how you guys did it (the inside roof as i have them atm is not what i originally wanted after all which is why i am looking forward to see how you guys have done it =)

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Monsterfisch I would really like to see your work in the future patch.

It would be cool if you install the patch, you can choose texture packs for example: 1 Russianstory 2 Stronghold Europe 3 Works @Monsterfisch.

Было бы здорово, если бы при установке патча, можно было бы выбрать пакет текстур, например: 1 Russian story 2 Stronghold Europe 3 Работы @Monsterfisch

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

So. Friend from Germany! You asked for my two files. Here you are. Look what you need. I think I'm right. The roof must be made flush and immediately over the teeth of the tower.

Итак. Друг из Германии! Ты просил два моих файла. Вот держи. Посмотри что надо. Мне кажется я прав. Крышу надо делать заподлицо и сразу поверх зубцов башни.


крыша башни_ver1 (2)