UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
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Readiness Lord Woolsack. #296

Open Lolasik011 opened 5 years ago

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Readiness of the new Lord (Without AICE yet):

Bads - Goods scheme 100% Phrases (English,Russian) 100% Castles 100% Subtitles under Lord's statements 0% Binks files 100% Lord icons 100% Economic scheme 100% Military scheme 100% Lord concept 100% Lord names 100% Lord siege scheme 100% Lord patrol scheme 100% *Lord defend scheme 100%

P.S In my opinion !!!

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

Nah, I am pretty busy this weekend, sorry. :/

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Nah, I am pretty busy this weekend, sorry. :/

That's OK. I guess testing will have wait until the next UCP patch is out.

Sorry but I don't know German :( So don't I could help ...

I don't either, hopefully someone can do the German timestamp table.

After looking at the vanilla AICE settings for other characters I reduced the number of counterattacking pikemen from 35 to 25 as I am trying to base Woolsack's use of counterattacking pikemen on Emir's use of counterattacking Arabian swordsmen. 25 is 5 more than Emir's vanilla 20 Arabian swordsmen setting (and pikemen are slightly weaker than Arabian swordsmen in attack). Also 25 pikemen are the would be enough to effectively counterattack most of Marshall's knight raids.

There are a lot of settings to do with stockpile supplies in the AIC I see, these should be set to the same as Marshall for Lord Woolsack I think.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Lord Woolsack siege with the AICE! :D Had to set him against Marshall of course.

woolsack siege

Great to see, but even though I set spearmen to additional unit attack and pikemen to primary unit attack, he still leaves the spearmen behind instead of advancing them at the same time with the archers :(

Another thing is that he sends too small attacks, even though I set his first siege force to 100! Also he only sends about 1 pikemen to counter attack even though i set it to 20, I think that's because he still only produces spears at the moment in his poleturners, we will be able to edit it soon in a future version of AICE.

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

Engineers, siege engines and stuff count to the amount of units. What did you set the archers as? Do you mean sortie for the 1 pikemen? Or raiding?

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

I set the archers as 30 for sieges.

I am testing him with Phillip and weirdly he is still still sending his groups of spearmen as sortie units even though I set it as 20 pikemen instead of 20 spearmen..... maybe its because he doesn't create pikes yet, only buys them in, and he only buys enough in for the siege force?

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Share the script when you finish it? I wanted to take a look at Lord Woolsack in action.

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Weird. Did you change his melee sortie units to spearmen? Nah, producing pikes or spears has nothing to do with that. What are the max of 30 archers set as? Ranged push? Backup? Additional unit?

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Weird. Did you change his melee sortie units to spearmen? Nah, producing pikes or spears has nothing to do with that.

No I had his melee sortie units just as pikemen set to 20 and he still sent his 20 spearmen out to destroy enemy catapults, although he did manage to send one pikemen out to patrol I think.

What are the max of 30 archers set as? Ranged push? Backup? Additional unit?


@PitchNeeded Share the script when you finish it? I wanted to take a look at Lord Woolsack in action.

I will do tomorrow, I need to experiment with the settings so he uses enough archers on towers and waits to send enough troops in his sieges (I set it to 100 for first siege and he still sends that quite small siege force you see in my screenshot).

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

I will do tomorrow, I need to experiment with the settings so he uses enough archers on towers and waits to send enough troops in his sieges (I set it to 100 for first siege and he still sends that quite small siege force you see in my screenshot).

ok i wait...

AdmiralRigby commented 5 years ago

I'll have a listen to the German sound files probably next weekend and try to help you out. I can't promise anything, yet, though.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

I'll have a listen to the German sound files probably next weekend and try to help you out. I can't promise anything, yet, though.

Thanks a lot, even if you get some German scripting that would be good.

I can't wait until @Sh0wdown does the audio extractor program and Woolsack and other new AIs can be 'officially' in the game (although of course he is a very busy man so I will be patient)

ok i wait...

I also have two more castles to do for him, but I might put up his aic file here before I do those.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Working now, forgot to reinstall UCP after a patch.


Even got him raiding (with the same number of raiders Emir sends but with pikemen) and producing pikes editing output.aic with notepad.

Will have to weaken him a bit though (recruit interval 4 too high a number?) as he quite easily beat Marshall with a 40000 gold start.

marshall defeated

Update: played him on 2000 gold and Marsall looked like he was going to beat him so maybe he's OK as he is.

DarkThief-Darek commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Regarding balance stuff: Keep in mind that the pikemen are the best all round melee unit in the game. They sustain a ton of arrows, but even more crossbow bolts than you might expect and have so much HP that every melee unit and fire needs some time to get them down (disadvantage is the now added healer, who will also take ages to heal even one unit up to full health)

So if you want to give Woolsack a big army of pikemen, you will soon realize, that almost all AIs will have massive problems with this, even with crossbows. Do not underestimate the power of pikemen spam.

Edit: Oh and they have an attack boost against horse units of course. :D

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Regarding balance stuff: Keep in mind that the pikemen are the best all round melee unit in the game. They sustain a ton of arrows, but even more crossbow bolts than you might expect and have so much HP that every melee unit and fire needs some time to get them down (disadvantage is the now added healer, who will also take ages to heal even one unit up to full health)

So if you want to give Woolsack a big army of pikemen, you will soon realize, that almost all AIs will have massive problems with this, even with crossbows. Do not underestimate the power of pikemen spam.

Edit: Oh and they have an attack boost against horse units of course. :D

Thanks for the advice. Perhaps a maximum of 20 pikemen in a group would be enough for raids for Lord Woolsack?

Also just found out I was testing him against a Marshall that didn't buy weapons (because I didn't know 'vanilla' AICE settings don't include weapon buying Marshall and Frederick as defaults) need to test him against one that does!

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Share the script when you finish it? I wanted to take a look at Lord Woolsack in action.

Here are files with his tactics (including raiding) and castles (well 6 of them) replacing Rat. Didn't know what his RecruitProb values should be so copied them from Marshall.

One problem: The spearmen although they initially advance with archers still wait too long during sieges (should move with archers and go directly for enemy walls)

DarkThief-Darek commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the advice. Perhaps a maximum of 20 pikemen in a group would be enough for raids for Lord Woolsack?

20 are more than enough I think.

One problem: The spearmen although they initially advance with archers still wait too long during sieges (should move with archers and go directly for enemy walls)

There has to be another value for that. I always assumed that Richard rarely gather troops at the spot and attack immediately. But maybe I'm wrong. But it would be cool if we can change the waiting time somehow. Most AIs wait far too long before starting the attack.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Here are files with his tactics (including raiding) and castles (well 6 of them) replacing Rat. Didn't know what his RecruitProb values should be so copied them from Marshall.

One problem: The spearmen although they initially advance with archers still wait too long during sieges (should move with archers and go directly for enemy walls)

Thank you !

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Things I have noticed

ByBurton commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded that is the problem of every AI. Sortie units always have the highest priority out of all units, which means if they are constantly getting killed, the AI will constantly rebuild them, instead of other units.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded that is the problem of every AI. Sortie units always have the highest priority out of all units, which means if they are constantly getting killed, the AI will constantly rebuild them, instead of other units.

Yes, and I have noticed that before but most AIs at least put one archer at each tower spot at the start of a 2000 gold game, so I think it might be a Rat specific problem, even though I changed RecruitProb values to the same as Marshall's when testing Lord Woolsack with Rat (I tested him with Rat as I would like him to be a temporary option to replace Rat in a future patch :D ).

As for AIs prioritising sortie units, sometimes it is a good idea and sometimes not, it depends on where the resources are on the map that the AI is trying to defend.

@Lolasik011 It would be great if you could you do another castle for him. Maybe a circular one this time? And if you can find any more Russian quotes for him that would be great!

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@Lolasik011 It would be great if you could you do another castle for him. Maybe a circular one this time? And if you can find any more Russian quotes for him that would be great!

I think that I have found all possible phrases for Lord Woolsack in Russian ...

I will make a castle

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

So just the German quotes needed then....hopefully our timestamps will help the compilation of those.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

So just the German quotes needed then....hopefully our timestamps will help the compilation of those.

Let's wait .... Maybe someone will do.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Let's wait .... Maybe someone will do.


I shall have to try and update my English timestamp table and find something for every quote.

@Lolasik011 looking forward to seeing your Woolsack castle and the Russian quotes timestamp table

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded New Casle Lord Woolsack (circle castle) Lord Woolsack circle castle Woolsack circle

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Wow that looks incredible :D Will download it today and check the build order.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

Wow that looks incredible :D Will download it today and check the build order.


PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Woolsack7.aiv - Lord Woolsack must be a rich lord to afford such a castle! Thanks @Lolasik011 for the design.


It reminds me a bit of Emir's biggest castle of course but also reminds me of ByBurton's Saruman Lionheart design

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

Did the final Woolsack castle, Woolsack8.aiv, had the idea of 3 square castles joined together by narrow passages.


PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@Sh0wdown Everything complete for the English and Russian language versions, ready to be turned into an official AI patch option hopefully once the audio extractor is up. :D

Castle AIVs:

AIC output file (under Rat):

Speech file timestamps (English):

Speech file timestamps (Russian):

Thanks a lot to everyone for your feedback and help with this new AI!

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded I very glad that we finished with Lord Woolsack.

About the new AI. Any ideas ?

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded I very glad that we finished with Lord Woolsack.

Hopefully he can be in put the game eventually. We still could do with German quote timestamps for him of course.

About the new AI. Any ideas ?

Well I had my King Baldwin idea here.....which I have partially started......

Also I would like to do a historical Arabian AI character, probably Nur el-Din (preferably including slingers in his attack as that would make him different) and I would also like to do the first female character AI, maybe a historical character from the Crusades, Elanor of Aquitaine or a Byzantine Empress. I would prefer if they were good characters as I like making good rather than evil AIs (I will leave @ByBurton to do the negative fear factor/evil AIs like The Khan and the Barbarian)!

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded What help is required of me?

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded What help is required of me?

You could help make some more cross shaped castles for my new AI King Baldwin (specifications here ) and post the castles up on that issue.

Or you could come up with your own idea for an AI and the troops they use and I will help you create it.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Ok i will make castles.

Do not you think that the cross-shaped castles at the Abbot.

Can you offer another form of castles ? Maybe the same shape as the Templar with Stronghold Crusader 2?

Here is my job: King Baldwin


PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

I will open up a new King Baldwin issue to discuss this in, as this is for Lord Woolsack discussion.

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago

@Sh0wdown Could you perhaps add Lord Woolsack as an installer option for temporary replacement for Rat in the next patch. That would be great! Only if you have time though :D

Grossadmiral12 commented 4 years ago

Hello, where can I download Lord Woolsack AI? I would really like to add him to my SC.