UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
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Hunters from stronghold 1 #374

Open Admiral-Gumpert opened 5 years ago

Admiral-Gumpert commented 5 years ago

I have got a new idea , What about copying hunter's data from Stronghold 1 to Crusader ? Now heres the real benefit : Hunter will now shoot on enemys as he used to do in Stronghold 1 and this can make a big changing and some of the weaker AIVs will use him as defensive card but he isn't a big deal he always gets one shot but we would like to see him does something important in Crusader since he is the most useless worker right now

Halbarad1 commented 5 years ago

Second idea: Hunters should hunt rabbits too!

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Friend you are brilliant! True! Agree with you! In this case, it is necessary to make sure that his arrow was either stronger than the arrow of the archer or he shot more accurately than the others, since he is a hunter after all. More than that, you forgot about his dog. I think it would be very useful to make it so that the dog could attack the enemy long before he approaches you. It turns out the dog sees the enemy from a distance and attacks him at a run. A dog can be deadly for a slave, slinger, archer, spearman, flamethrower.

Друг ты гениальный! Правда! Согласен с тобой! В таком случае надо сделать так чтоб его стрела была или сильнее стрелы лучника или он стрелял точнее чем другие, так как он охотник всё-таки. БОлее того, ты забыл про его собаку. Думаю было бы очень полезно сделать так, чтоб пёс смог атаковать врага задолго как он подойдёт к тебе. Получается собака видит врага издали и нападает на него бегом. Собака может быть смертельно опасна для раба, пращника, лучников, копейщика, огнеметателя.

Admiral-Gumpert commented 5 years ago

The Dog already attacks soldiers but his health is pathetic , But it can be helpful when the hunter shoots soldiers and the dog distracts them

DarkThief-Darek commented 5 years ago

Hmm, I find the Crusader hunter AI pretty buggy. Often times they will hunt deer, but don't pick up their corpses to make meat out of them ... or they simply won't shoot any deer at all.

So even if you have a map with lots of deer and you or the AI use hunters, they are so buggy that you will end up with a pretty inefficient food economy.

ByBurton commented 4 years ago

It would be cool if the hunters would do smthg. It would allow me to finally do my Robin Hood AI :)

Xebenkeck commented 4 years ago

Is it even possible to get them into the AIC file?

Currently you can get cpu's to use hunters if you put the Hunter posts as part of their castles in the AIV editor, but they will not sell/buy or acknowledge it otherwise in terms of economy, rations, farm buildings etc.

It would be awesome if they could be implemented properly, it's odd to me that Firefly didn't really finish them as part of the final game.

Admiral-Gumpert commented 4 years ago

In Stronghold 1 Hunters were programmed way better , They wouldn't miss the hunts and they would also shot at enemies , They used to die from1 arrow by the way but it was so cool to see a villager works like this

Heroesflorian commented 4 years ago

Actually, in scenario missions, hunters work in SHC pretty much like in SH1 - or quite similar, at least. That does include shooting at hostile troops intentionally and consistently.

However, in skirmish games, hunters do not do that, sadly. But I think it should be doable to enable this for skirmish, seeing as the behaviour generally exists in the game already and was probably just enabled/disabled by some flag.