UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
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Ideas for new units #390

Open PitchNeeded opened 5 years ago

PitchNeeded commented 5 years ago


I would like to see new military units in Stronghold Crusader. It would certainly add more variety to the game, allowing for more tactics for both single player and multiplayer

I have a few ideas. Some would probably be easier to create and do the animations for than others.

Light cavalry - Basically a spearman on a horse, same speed, arrow resistance and crossbow resistance to the horse archer, same attack strength as the spearman. It could be made that it could be hired quite cheaply from the barracks but would require spears and horses in the stables. An Arabian version, perhaps with an Arabian swordsmen on horseback instead of a spearman, could be hired from the mercenary post, it would have a better hand to hand attack but be at least as expensive as the horse archer.

Camel warrior - An Arabian swordsmen on a camel! Slower than a horse archer but a bit more resistant to arrows. It would be hard to create the animations for this but I included this in the list as the aesthetic value would be brilliant.

Desert axemen - There needs to be another another Arabian melee unit I think. The desert axeman would be a bit slower than the macemen with the same armour. To make up for a a similar weakness to arrows to macemen and a slower speed than macemen, the attack strength would be a bit stronger than the maceman (axes would be expected to cause a bit more damage than maces). The desert axeman should probably be a little bit cheaper to hire than the assassin.

To create the axeman animation, the woodcutter could be used.

Boat warriors - This is a idea from Stronghold 2, to bring the boat warriors to Stronghold Crusader. This would allow the water to be used in the game. Like in Stronghold 2, the boat warriors would be slow on land and only medium armoured like the crossbowman, but would have a decent hand to hand attack. They would be hired through the barracks, requiring both spears, leather armour and some wood from the stockpile to make the boat.

Ranger - Another idea from other Stronghold games. Would be an archer who could also use a sword in hand to hand combat, would require bows, swords and leather armour in the armoury and would be a bit slower than a normal archer but would be better against enemy arrow fire.

Mounted crossbowmen - the European equivalent of the horse archer. Would require crossbows, leather armour and horses in the stables to hire from the barracks. Quite expensive to hire. Same speed and arrow resistance to the horse archer. Would be hard to animate though probably.

Javelin thrower - European equivalent of the slinger. Would require spears but be more expensive to hire than the spearman. Same arrow/crossbow resistance and range as the slinger.


Fisherman - the fisherman would be hired from a new building, the fisherman's hut. Or perhaps it could be made that the hunters at the hunters huts should become fishermen if there is no meat on the map but there is a river, or if the hunters huts are placed closer to a river than to deer.

He or she would sit on the side of any river on the map with a fishing rod and catch fish and bring it back to the granary. It should take quite a while to gather the fish. The gathered fish could be just represented by the meat resource, or ideally a new fish resource could be created.

Lolasik011 commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Very interesting ideas !. But I think that this will not be possible to implement. It's too bad that the Strongholds Crusader engine is not fully investigated. :(

Panbutt commented 5 years ago

While new units would be cool, just remember that would require someone to model it, texture it in the SHC style, animate it and then render each individual 750+ frames needed for it. Yeah you could edit existing units but that would still require someone to edit 750+ individual frames which would take a very long time and in the end, might not look good. That's not even mentioning having to add entirely new code to the game to get the game to recognize these units and how they work.

Again, I like the idea of new units but they're not feasible right now.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

@PitchNeeded Как всегда много и по делу) Мне нравятся твои идеи! Конному воину с пикой было бы здорово налетать на врага сходу, быть как таран на коне. В этом была бы прелесть этого воина. Как я уже и говорил было бы здорово ввести кольчугу как вид брони и топор как оружие. Про этого юнита я писал ранее. Рыбак это отлично! Так же можно использовать как я и говорил ранее куриц возле амбара - и собирать с них или яйца или мясо. Так же как ранее предлагал - дать больше коров на ферму чтобы некоторых коров можно было резать на мясо. Домашняя говядина. Про лодочника - как вариант можно дать взможность метателю камней, (арабскому слингеру) возможность переплывать выкопанные рвы. Это наиболее логично. Объясню: 1) Так как арабский слингер одет только в штаны и чалму а из оружия у него слингер и нож, то он вполне может плавать, ведь у него нет ничего такого чтобы мешало ему плавать. Не так ли? 2) Его оружие слингер а это значит что он может теоретически использовать камни на всей местности, то есть карте. Поэтому он переплывая выкопанный ров внутри замка врага может найти себе снаряды для метания то есть камни. Это нововведение повысило бы популярность этого юнита и сделало бы его интереснее.Я более чем уверен в этом. Тем более что данная механика весьма необычна и новаторская. Позволит использовать силы по-другому и внесёт большее разнообразие в тактику ведения боя и осады вражеских крепостей. В игре же есть подкопы под стены, есть возможность забираться на стены....так почему нет возможности переплывать выкопанный ров? Я лично думаю будет великолепно!


@PitchNeeded As always, a lot and in the case) I like your ideas! An equestrian warrior with a pike would be great to hit the enemy at once, to be like a ram on a horse. This would be the charm of this warrior. As I already said, it would be great to introduce chain mail as a type of armor and an ax as a weapon. I wrote about this unit earlier. Fisherman is great! You can also use it as I said before chickens near the barn - and collect from them either eggs or meat. Just as previously suggested - to give more cows to the farm so that some cows could be cut for meat. Homemade beef. About a boatman - as an option, you can give a chance to a stone thrower, (an Arabian slinger) the opportunity to cross dug ditches. This is the most logical. Will explain: 1) Since the Arab slinger is dressed only in pants and a turban and he has a slinger and a knife from his weapon, he can easily swim, because he has nothing to prevent him from swimming. Is not it? 2) His weapon is a slinger, which means that he can theoretically use stones in the whole area, that is, a map. Therefore, he is swimming across an excavated ditch inside the enemy’s castle and can find projectiles for throwing, that is, stones. This innovation would increase the popularity of this unit and make it more interesting. I am more than confident in this. Especially since this mechanic is very unusual and innovative. It will allow to use forces in a different way and will add more variety to the tactics of conducting battle and siege of enemy fortresses. In the game, there are digs under the walls, there is an opportunity to climb the walls .... so why is it not possible to cross the excavated ditch? I personally think it will be great!

GRhin commented 5 years ago

Oh how i wish this were possible. maybe if the engine gets fully disected, for now i think its a long way away, and wed need alot more popularity for the game and this patch for it to ever happen.

Russianstory commented 5 years ago

Can you change the parameters for units? Do you remember the range and power of the bow? let's poster ... maybe just increase the strength a bit and that's it. You need to see in practice how it all looks.