UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
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Some automation features #465

Open an-accident opened 4 years ago

an-accident commented 4 years ago

Have some ideas/requests pending on my mind:

  1. Automatic Trading Post: literary SC2 conversion; new (more expensive) building; obviously avaliable only for human players.
  2. Automatic Recruitment Center: simillary - a building that would allow auto-recruitment of troops (as long as merc. post/barracks/cathedral are present), possibly with settings for: max troop limit, priority setting and minimal gold amount after which recruitment trigers.
  3. Key shortcut for cathedral.
GRhin commented 4 years ago

From my understanding adding new buildings is not practical. 1 seems good, but I think if we are changing the interface (to add the building to the menu) it would be better to just allow the player to type the amount they wish to sell.

  1. I'm not sure what I think about this, I especially think it would not be good in a multiplayer situation, however in single player I guess I can just not use it...
  2. I agree, there are a few other things I'd like hotkeys for too (greatest lord screen for example)
J-T-de commented 4 years ago
  1. This was already several suggested and discussed several times is the original post (but in German, but other posts popped up and were closed as duplicate. I think, I sometime ago read, that there is an external tool for the auto-marketplace, but I could not find it. Anybody?
  2. There was the idea to recruit multiple troops via shift-click (I don't find the post), I would prefer this over the auto-recruitment feature.
  3. More shortcuts were already suggested, but I still would love this :) The SHCPlayer from @JuGGerNaunT on ModDB has a hotkey plugin, but apparently is incompatible to the UCP, so I guess these are not the droids you are looking for.
an-accident commented 4 years ago
  1. Would love to see the link, too.
  2. Number 2. came to mind after I tried to, kind of, roleplay as a Snake and I realised I have too much things to do to recruit troops as fast as my economy (and people growth) allows. This aplies often to any low cost units: monks, archers, spearmen, etc. Shift-click (or any external multiclick macro) doesn't solve this beacause the problem is in +24 pop limit blocking army recruitment, not recruitment speed itself. We actually have something similar to proposed No.2 already implemented in Extreme: outposts. Putting some logic to only recruit troops when weapons/gold is avaliable and allowing player to choose kind of recruited troop could be a good start.


  1. Have L key not only focus on lord but also choose him (best: after second key hit).
Russianstory commented 4 years ago

My friend I previously suggested these are the automatic ideas for the Stronghold Crusader 1 1) Automatically sell goods: from a warehouse, from a barn from an arsenal. Choose the number of products sold 2) Automatically buy goods: at a warehouse, in a barn in arsenal. Choose the amount of purchased goods. 3) I agree about the automatic recruitment of the army. It’s necessary. 4) Add automatic repair of towers, walls, gates 5) ADD automatic re-location of wolf pits 6) Add the automatic appearance of dogs in the cage. at least three times. 7) Add automatic RESET resin to the ground 8) Add selection of all workshops of the same type 9) Add with one click to change the produced weapons 10) Make the button "Send on vacation" for each individual building 11) Make a change to the produced weapon by pressing the keys 1 and 2. For example, on the number 1 - bow to 2 - crossbow 12) So that the goods that were extracted do not disappear if you send the employee on vacation. 13) Add the ability to hire IMMEDIATELY 5, 10, 24 units at once. 14) Ctrl + z key combination - all buildings of this type on the map 15) Double-clicking on a building with a mouse - selects all buildings of a given type within the visible part of the player’s screen. 16) Increase the range of action of the healer. It's great he began to heal units and lords, but let him now increase the range. 17) Let the delete button work like the destruction of a building. 18) Button - c is the abort action of the stop. Button - A is an aggressive attack position. Button D is a passive defense.

Дружище я предлагал ранее вот какие автоматические идеи для Стронгхолд Крестоносец 1 1) Автоматически продавать товары: со склада, из амбара из арсенала. Выбирать количество продаваемых товаров 2) Автоматически покупать товары: на склад, в амбар в арсенал. Выбирать количество покупаемых товаров. 3) Про автоматический набор армии согласен. Надо такое. 4) Добавить автоматический ремонт башен, стен, ворот 5) ДОбавить автоматическое ПОВТОРНОЕ расположение волчьих ям 6) ДОбавить автоматическое появление псов в клетке. хотябы на три раза. 7)Добавить автоматическое ПОВТОРНОЕ расположение смолы на земле 8) Добавить выделение всех мастерских одного типа 9) ДОбавить одним нажатием клавиши менять производимое оружие 10) СДелать кнопку "Отправить в отпуск" для каждого отдельного здания 11) Сделать изменение производимого оружия нажатием клавиш 1 и 2. Например на цифре 1 - лук на 2 - арбалет 12) Чтоб товары которые были добыты не исчезали если ты отправляешь работника в отпуск. 13) ДОбавить возможность нанимать СРАЗУ по 5, 10, 24 юнита сразу. 14) КОмбинация клавиш ctrl +z - все здания этого типа на карте 15) ДВойное нажате мышью на здание - выделение всех зданий данного типа в пределах видимой части экрана игрока. 16 ) Увеличить диапазон действия лекаря. Это здорово он стал лечить юнитов и лорда но пускай он теперь и диапазон увеличит. 17) Пусть кнопка delete работает как уничтожение здания. 18) Кнопка - c это отмена действий стоп. Кнопка - а это агрессивная позиция атака . КНопка д - это пассивная оборона.