UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
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Tower siegeenginestargetting: mangonel inconsistantly, ballista balance #525

Open Admiral-Gumpert opened 4 years ago

Admiral-Gumpert commented 4 years ago

I might be over concerned about "Siege engines targeting" but this one really caught my attention , I found that the Tower mangonel will not always shoot or target villagers or even units either be ranged or melee and that kind of puts it in a huge disadvantage unlike the tower ballista which will target anything that isn't an ally "by the way the AIs dont seem to be affected by this bug"

So in conclusion the mangonel will: 1.if its controlled by an AI it will target anything even ally graves ! 2.if its controlled by a human it will not target anything expect anything which is related to the engineer 3.This is also connected to (2) , I tested the mangonel in map editor and I have came to the followings : 1 Again it wont shoot anything expect engineers 2 if you choose another player color that isn't the mangonel's color it will start shooting anything ! image ^ here's the mangonel it's shooting at units

image ^ and here it doesnt as the same player color is selected

image ^ and here it will shoot engineers even if the same player color is selected no matter what you do

Is this bug easy to fix as the fireballista one?

LordHansCapon commented 4 years ago

Doubt it should fire at anyone at all. It should fire only in agressive stance.

Admiral-Gumpert commented 4 years ago

It doesnt even fire anyone in aggressive stance , I'm okay if it could do tho

Krarilotus commented 4 years ago

The target behaviour could change in defensive and aggressive stance. So is this really color dependant?

Sidenote: can we make tower ballistas focus siegeengines over all other units? I would put both, mangonel and towerballista changes into the unit tab for section....

Admiral-Gumpert commented 4 years ago

The target behaviour could change in defensive and aggressive stance. So is this really color dependant?

Sidenote: can we make tower ballistas focus siegeengines over all other units? I would put both, mangonel and towerballista changes into the unit tab for section....

The Targeting behaviour doesn't change when switching between aggressive or defensive stance , it just won't target anything but engineers.

Monsterfisch commented 4 years ago

@Krarilotus I don't know if mangonels choose their priorities similary, but towerbalistas always fire at the unit with the highest base health like swordsman are shot at before siege weapons. It would probs be a good idea to either hardcode the different target priorities or increase the health pool of siege weapons across the board so they are targeted more.

Krarilotus commented 4 years ago

422 just wanted to link that. I think its kinda cluttered up, so might close some double posts soon.

360 also

265 also.... damn there are alot of these... seems like this is high priority :D

I ll collect the most mentioned issues soon and make a list. This is definitly in it! closing all of those, to make the clutter a bit less.