UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
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More gate sizes #578

Open Truetobi91 opened 4 years ago

Truetobi91 commented 4 years ago

Today I had this idea and while I'm aware that this is most likely not on a scale for a community patch, I wanted to post it anyway so that the idea is at least noted. Imagine Firefly doing a Remastered Stronghold 1 and Crusader at some point and browse through such a forum for improvements (Hi future Firefly) or maybe some hobby-devs find it to be easier to implement than I'd think. Anyway, it'd be so exciting to have such a feature in the game especially when designing AI castles. Due to the limited options of the AIV-Editor it is rather an idea for a remastered version (yes I know how unlikely that is going to happen).

I think most players are aware that small and especially large gates aren't quite the most pretty objects in the game in terms of size and fitting to walls. It just looks ridiculous when placing that 7x7 cube onto that 2-layered wall. And unless one builds a wall of 5 layers, it will still look just bad.

So the idea is to have more gate sizes, especially non-square ones, without creating a completely new design for gates.

Remastered Solution: Make small and large gates being click'n'drag in size, where the width is fixed but the depth can be alternated. Small gates would range from 2x5 to 5x5 in size while large gates range from 3x7 to 7x7.

Community Solution: Create some hard coded gates based of the available options and add them to the gates section of the building UI. That are 3 additional small gates and 4 additional large gates. If you were to limit the options, I'd go for 3x5; 4x5; 5x5 and 3x7; 5x7 and 7x7.

Just dreaming a bit of what could be made out of this game =)

GRhin commented 4 years ago

Further to this, Id love if the large gate had a 2-3 tile path through (instead of 1 currently), and seige engines and cavalry couldnt path through the small gate.

realPhint commented 4 years ago

I like this:

3 additional small gates and 4 additional large gates. If you were to limit the options, I'd go for 3x5; 4x5; 5x5 and 3x7; 5x7 and 7x7.

and this:

Further to this, Id love if the large gate had a 2-3 tile path through (instead of 1 currently)

Also I guess this:

seige engines and cavalry couldnt path through the small gate.

could cause some problems with AI's using knights and small gates and would be too restricting overall.

Upon implementing more gate sizes I just want to recommend scaling their HP. Thus the 3x5 version of the small gate should only have 3/5 the HP of the original 5x5 version. Otherwise you could just place 2 of the 3x5 gates in a row and have doubled HP in almost the same amount of tiles, basically making the original 5x5 size gate very unfavorable.