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Parent-Child link for Large Quest solution #14

Closed SenorKarlos closed 4 months ago

SenorKarlos commented 7 months ago

Suggested in Discord, figured I'd flush it out a little and see if it is considered.

As designed and explained, each area has to have it's own routes, quests, and worker assignments. As I understand it, the pokemon workers in a given area switch to handle quests per the config time in that area. My idea extends that behavior with what should be very little extra work, and also could utilize the Parent-Child relation in Koji further.

A toggle would need to be added to enable 'parent mode' to the quest area, from which you select the child areas (or preset with Koji) containing pokemon workers. At the selected times, it would then just use the workers as if that area had quest enabled. If a child fence currently has no workers assigned, it could just be skipped. This makes area to user management and changes to service levels easier while providing for much requested broad questing that stays consistent.

The suggested method of making a composite child route in a large parent fence becomes a pain to manage when things change and users come and go from the child areas, and while I don't know if/how jump distances affect this new environment, it has been generally recommended in the past to aim for efficiency and shorter hops.