UnrealCatze / FigureDatabase

GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Parents bei Brand #9

Open UnrealCatze opened 7 years ago

UnrealCatze commented 7 years ago

habe ja überall wo nötig das parent rausgehauen weil außer bei Manufacturern und Kategogorien keinen so richtigen Sinn macht Unterkategorien zu haben.

Aber .... im Adminbereich ist Brand ja auch vorhanden. Das müsste alles überarbeitet werden.

der ganze Code von Admin/admin_figurelib_brands.php muss neu weil da einige functions drin sind. Davon habe ich nocht so die Ahnung :)

hier der Code

| PHP-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP-Fusion Inc
| https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: figurelib_brands based on weblink_cats.php
| Author: PHP-Fusion Development Team
| Modification: Catzenjaeger
| URL: www.aliencollectors.com
| E-Mail: admin@aliencollectors.com
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }
$locale = fusion_get_locale();

// Delete a Brand
if ((isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "delete") && (isset($_GET['brand_id']) && isnum($_GET['brand_id']))) {

    if (
        dbcount("(figure_brand)", DB_FIGURE_ITEMS, "figure_brand='".$_GET['brand_id']."'") ||
        dbcount("(figure_brand_id)", DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, "figure_brand_parent='".$_GET['brand_id']."'")
    ) {
        addNotice("danger", $locale['figbm_0004'].$locale['figbm_0005']); 
    } else {
        dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_FIGURE_BRANDS." WHERE figure_brand_id='".$_GET['brand_id']."'");
        addNotice("success", $locale['figbm_0003']);
    redirect(clean_request("", ["section", "aid"], TRUE));

// Add / Edit a Brand
} else {

    // Empty Arrays
    $data = [
        "figure_brand_id"          => 0,
        "figure_brand_name"        => "",
        "figure_brand_description" => "",
        "figure_brand_language"    => LANGUAGE,
        "figure_brand_parent"      => "",
        "figure_brand_sorting"     => "figure_title ASC"

    // Edit a Brand?
    if (
        (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit") && 
        (isset($_GET['brand_id']) && isnum($_GET['brand_id'])) && 
        dbcount("(figure_brand_id)", DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, "figure_brand_id='".$_GET['brand_id']."'")
    ) {
        $data = dbarray(dbquery("
                figure_brand_id, figure_brand_name, figure_brand_description,
                figure_brand_language, figure_brand_parent, figure_brand_sorting
            FROM ".DB_FIGURE_BRANDS."
            WHERE figure_brand_id='".$_GET['brand_id']."'
            LIMIT 0,1

    // Handle posted Informations
    if (isset($_POST['save_brand'])) {
        $data = [
            "figure_brand_id"          => form_sanitizer($_POST['figure_brand_id'],          0,        "figure_brand_id"),
            "figure_brand_name"        => form_sanitizer($_POST['figure_brand_name'],        "",       "figure_brand_name"),
            "figure_brand_description" => form_sanitizer($_POST['figure_brand_description'], "",       "figure_brand_description"),
            "figure_brand_language"    => form_sanitizer($_POST['figure_brand_language'],    LANGUAGE, "figure_brand_language"),
            "figure_brand_parent"      => form_sanitizer($_POST['figure_brand_parent'],      0,        "figure_brand_parent")

        // Check Sorting Fields
        $brandSortBy    = form_sanitizer($_POST['brand_sort_by'],    2,     "brand_sort_by");
        $brandSortOrder = form_sanitizer($_POST['brand_sort_order'], "ASC", "brand_sort_order");

        // Handle Sorting Informations
        if (isnum($brandSortBy) && $brandSortBy == "1") {
            $data['figure_brand_sorting'] = "figure_id ".($brandSortOrder == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC");
        } elseif (isnum($brandSortBy) && $brandSortBy == "2") {
            $data['figure_brand_sorting'] = "figure_title ".($brandSortOrder == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC");
        } elseif (isnum($brandSortBy) && $brandSortBy == "3") {
            $data['figure_brand_sorting'] = "figure_datestamp ".($brandSortOrder == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC");
        } else {
            $data['figure_brand_sorting'] = "figure_title ASC";

        // Handle Brand Check
        $brandNameCheck = [
            "when_updating" => "figure_brand_name='".$data['figure_brand_name']."' AND figure_brand_id != '".$data['figure_brand_id']."'",
            "when_saving"   => "figure_brand_name='".$data['figure_brand_name']."'"

        // Handle Action
        if (defender::safe()) {

            // Update a Figure
            if ($data['figure_brand_id']) {
                if (!dbcount("(figure_brand_id)", DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, $brandNameCheck['when_updating'])) {
                    dbquery_insert(DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, $data, "update");
                    addNotice("success", $locale['figbm_0002']);
                    redirect(clean_request("", ["section", "aid"], true));
                } else {
                    addNotice("danger", $locale['figbm_0006']);

            // Save a Figure 
            } else {
                if (!dbcount("(figure_brand_id)", DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, $brandNameCheck['when_saving'])) {
                    dbquery_insert(DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, $data, "save");
                    addNotice("success", $locale['figbm_0001']);
                    redirect(clean_request("", ["section", "aid"], true));
                } else {
                    addNotice("danger", $locale['figbm_0006']);

    // Split Sorting Field
    $sorting = explode(" ", $data['figure_brand_sorting']);

    // Handle Sorting Informations
    if ($sorting[0] == "1") {
        $brandSortBy = "figure_id";
    } elseif ($sorting[0] == "2") {
        $brandSortBy = "figure_title";
    } elseif ($sorting[0] == "3") {
        $brandSortBy = "figure_datestamp";
    } else {
        $brandSortBy = "figure_title";
    $brandSortOrder = $sorting[1];

    // Handle Tab Informations
    $fiBrandTab['title'] = [$locale['figbrand_0010'], $locale['figure_010']]; 
    $fiBrandTab['id']    = ["a", "b"];
    $tab_active          = tab_active($fiBrandTab, isset($_GET['brand_view']) ? 1 : 0);

    // Display Tabs
    echo opentab($fiBrandTab, $tab_active, "fiBrand_Tab", false, "nav-tabs");
    echo opentabbody($fiBrandTab['title'][0], $fiBrandTab['id'][0], $tab_active);

    // Open Form
    echo openform("addbrand", "post", FUSION_REQUEST, ["class" => "m-t-20"]);
    echo form_hidden("figure_brand_id", "", $data['figure_brand_id']);

    // Brand Name
    echo form_text("figure_brand_name", $locale['figbrand_0000'], $data['figure_brand_name'], [
        "inline"     => true,
        "required"   => true,
        "error_text" => $locale['figbrand_0001']

    // Brand Description                             
    echo form_textarea("figure_brand_description", $locale['figbrand_0002'], $data['figure_brand_description'], [
        "inline"    => true,
        "html"      => true,
        "preview"   => false,
        "autosize"  => true,
        "form_name" => "addbrand"

    // Brand Parent
    echo form_select_tree("figure_brand_parent", $locale['figbrand_0003'], $data['figure_brand_parent'], [
        "disable_opts"  => [$data['figure_brand_id']],
        "hide_disabled" => true,
        "inline"        => true,
    ], DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, "figure_brand_name", "figure_brand_id", "figure_brand_parent");

    // Brand Language
    if (multilang_table("FI")) {
        echo form_select("figure_brand_language", $locale['global_ML100'], $data['figure_brand_language'], [
            "options" => fusion_get_enabled_languages(),
            "inline" => true,
    } else {
        echo form_hidden("figure_brand_language", "", $data['figure_brand_language']);

    // Brand Sorting
    echo "<div class='row m-0'>\n"; 
    echo "<label class='label-control col-xs-12 col-sm-3 p-l-0'>".$locale['figbrand_0004']."</label>\n";
    echo "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-3 p-l-0'>\n";

        // Brand Sorting By
        echo form_select("brand_sort_by", "", $brandSortBy, [
            "inline"  => true,
            "width"   => "100%",
            "options" => ["1" => $locale['figbrand_0005'], "2" => $locale['figbrand_0006'], "3" => $locale['figbrand_0007']],
            "class"   => "pull-left m-r-10"

    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-3'>\n";

        // Brand Sorting Direction
        echo form_select("brand_sort_order", "", $brandSortOrder, [
            "inline"  => true,
            "width"   => "100%",
            "options" => ["ASC" => $locale['figbrand_0008'], "DESC" => $locale['figbrand_0009']]

    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";

    // Button
    echo form_button("save_brand", $locale['figbrand_0011'], $locale['figbrand_0011'], ["class" => "btn-primary m-t-10"]);

    // Close Form
    echo closeform();

    // Display Tabs
    echo closetabbody();

    // Display Tabs
    echo opentabbody($fiBrandTab['title'][1], $fiBrandTab['id'][1], $tab_active);
    echo closetabbody();
    echo closetab();


// FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////
function figures_showbrandlist($parent = 0, $level = 0) {
    global $locale, $aidlink;

    // Check Page (only on Level 0)
    if ($parent == "0" && $level == "0") {
        $allRows = dbcount("(figure_brand_id)", DB_FIGURE_BRANDS, "figure_brand_parent='0'".(multilang_table("FI") ? " AND figure_brand_language='".LANGUAGE."'" : "")."");
        if (isset($_GET['rowstart']) && isNum($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $allRows) {
            $rowstart = $_GET['rowstart'];
        } else {
            $rowstart = 0;

    // Get all Category
    $result = dbquery("
        WHERE figure_brand_parent='".$parent."'".(multilang_table("FI") ? " AND figure_brand_language='".LANGUAGE."'" : "")." 
        ORDER BY figure_brand_name ASC
        ".($parent == "0" && $level == "0" ? "LIMIT ".$rowstart.",10" : "")."

    // If there are Results, display it.
    if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
        if ($parent == "0" && $level == "0") { echo "<table class='table table-responsive table-hover table-striped'>\n"; }

        // Display Items
        while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
            $description = strip_tags(parse_textarea($data['figure_brand_description']));

            // Display each Item
            echo "<tr>\n";
                echo "<td><strong>".str_repeat("&mdash;", $level).$data['figure_brand_name']."</strong>\n";
                if ($data['figure_brand_description']) {
                    echo "<br />".str_repeat("&mdash;", $level)."<span class='small'>".$description."</span>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
                echo "<td align='center' width='1%' style='white-space:nowrap'>\n";
                    echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."&amp;section=figurelib_brands&amp;action=edit&amp;brand_id=".$data['figure_brand_id']."' title='".$locale['cifg_0005']."' class='btn btn-warning btn-xs'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-cogs'></i> ".$locale['cifg_0005']."</a>\n"; 
                    echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."&amp;section=figurelib_brands&amp;action=delete&amp;brand_id=".$data['figure_brand_id']."' title='".$locale['cifg_0006']."' onclick=\"return confirm('".$locale['figbm_0007']."');\" class='btn btn-danger btn-xs'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-trash'></i> ".$locale['cifg_0006']."</a>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";

            // Display Sublevel
            figures_showbrandlist($data['figure_brand_id'], $level+1);
        if ($parent == "0" && $level == "0") { echo "</table>\n"; }

        // Display Navigation (only on Level 0)
        if ($parent == "0" && $level == "0") {
            if ($allRows > 10) {
                echo "<hr />\n";
                echo "<div class='text-center'>\n";
                    echo makepagenav($rowstart, 10, $allRows, 6, FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."&amp;section=figurelib_brands&amp;brand_view&amp;");
                echo "\n</div>\n";

    // Otherwise display Message
    } else {
        if ($parent == "0" && $level == "0") {
            echo "<div class='text-center tbl1'>".$locale['figbm_0008']."</div>\n";

DavidGuetl commented 7 years ago

Wenn es nicht eilt/dringend ist, würde ich sagen lass es einstweil.

Ich schreibe dir ja sowieso ein komplett neuen Adminbereich, da berücksichtige ich dass dann :-)