UnrealEngineHTML5 / Documentation

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HTML5 packaging error #55

Open Rohan-Deshamudre opened 3 years ago

Rohan-Deshamudre commented 3 years ago

When i try to package my unreal engine project to HTML5, the build fails and gives this error.

C:\Users\desha\Documents\Unreal Projects\TrialHTML\Plugins\AirSim\Source\AirLib\include\common/common_utils/json.hpp(628,13):  error: cannot use 'throw' with exceptions disabled

I get multiple throw exception errors like this and if I try to enable exceptions by doing bForceEnableExceptions = true; in my {Projectname}Editor.Target.cs class then VS2019 says that this is not allowed as my project has build files in common with UE4 editor.

How can i fix this so that I can package my c++ unreal engine project to HTML5?