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HDRI Backdrop plugin error on launching from Chrome #72

Open CarloAlt opened 3 years ago

CarloAlt commented 3 years ago

I activated the HDRIBackdrop plugin in the UE project and in launching it on the Chrome browser it gives me this error:

Uncaught Error at Array.ASM_CONSTS (blob:http://localhost:8000/69a46f6d-7e45-4cde-a7fd-e02e0307beae:1185:18) at _emscripten_asm_const_iiii (blob:http://localhost:8000/69a46f6d-7e45-4cde-a7fd-e02e0307beae:1327:25) at Z33IsAsyncLoadingCoreUObjectInternalv (:wasm-function[10545]:0x531a0a) at Z9BeginLoadP24FUObjectSerializeContextPKw (:wasm-function[12630]:0x66d4e3) at Z19LoadPackageInternalP8UPackagePKwjP11FLinkerLoadP8FArchiveP24FUObjectSerializeContext (:wasm-function[12629]:0x66cb0a) at Z11LoadPackageP8UPackagePKwjP8FArchiveP24FUObjectSerializeContext (:wasm-function[12628]:0x66c122) at Z11ResolveNameRP7UObjectR7FStringbbjP24FUObjectSerializeContext (:wasm-function[12599]:0x661f36) at Z24StaticLoadObjectInternalP6UClassP7UObjectPKwS4_jP11UPackageMapbP24FUObjectSerializeContext (:wasm-function[12885]:0x6b7404) at __Z16StaticLoadObjectP6UClassP7UObjectPKwS4_jP11UPackageMapbP24FUObjectSerializeContext (:wasm-function[12884]:0x6b6688) at __Z15StaticLoadClassP6UClassP7UObjectPKwS4_jP11UPackageMap (:wasm-function[13014]:0x6ca5b0)

Mosel3y commented 3 years ago

Hi, coincidentally I'll be attempting to use this plugin in a project soon, so I may be able to help out soon once I've tried it.

What engine version are you using? Is it Epic's binary version or Nick's fork at https://github.com/UnrealEngineHTML5/UnrealEngine/tree/4.24.3-html5-1.39.18/Engine/Platforms/HTML5

CarloAlt commented 3 years ago

Hi, coincidentally I'll be attempting to use this plugin in a project soon, so I may be able to help out soon once I've tried it.

What engine version are you using? Is it Epic's binary version or Nick's fork at https://github.com/UnrealEngineHTML5/UnrealEngine/tree/4.24.3-html5-1.39.18/Engine/Platforms/HTML5

Hi, I used Nick's fork. I look forward to your news about it.