UnrealKaraulov / newbspguy

Goldsrc map viewer/editor without decompiling. Also can view .MDL models.
The Unlicense
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Problems Importing/Exporting func_water models #122

Open marigi64 opened 2 weeks ago

marigi64 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm encountering issues regarding importing and exporting func_water models from one map to another.

I can only export the model on the debug branch as the default branch will crash whenever I try the export.

I can import (though sometimes I get a crash) the model to another map but none of the water collision properties are present or if they are, they are broken. (fog, water sounds or player swimming).

(in the editor after importing the water model) water1

(ingame under the water. It's kind of hard to tell in the screenshot but there is no underwater fog) water2

I've attached the test map from the screenshots and the exported water bsp model if it helps. Water maps.zip
