UnrealKaraulov / newbspguy

Goldsrc map viewer/editor without decompiling. Also can view .MDL models.
The Unlicense
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[Enhancement] PVS editing #95

Closed mfaizsyahmi closed 5 months ago

mfaizsyahmi commented 6 months ago

Proposed mechanisms

  1. Marking Leaf B visible from leaf A
    • While the camera is positioned inside leaf A, select a face on leaf B, then a button/menu/command in Face Properties dialog or elsewhere to mark leaf B as visible from current leaf
  2. Marking leaf A visible from every other leaf
    • While the camera is positioned inside leaf A, a menu/button/command to mark leaf A visible from all other leafs
    • (analog to zhlt's info_overview_point with reverse flag on)
  3. Marking every leaf visible from leaf A
    • While the camera is positioned inside leaf A, a menu/button/command to mark all leafs visible
    • (analog to zhlt's info_overview_point normal mode)

Impractical but fun implementation idea

  1. Export/Import PVS matrix as 1-bit bitmap
UnrealKaraulov commented 5 months ago

@mfaizsyahmi completed in latest build.

Added sample map https://github.com/UnrealKaraulov/newbspguy/tree/newbspguy_master/demo