Unrud / RadicaleInfCloud

Integrate InfCloud into Radicale's web interface.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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InfCloud Web Interface Not launching #14

Closed kirkzp closed 3 years ago

kirkzp commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am running Radicale 3.0. I added RadicaleInfCloud from the tar I edited the radicale config to add [web] type = radicale_infcloud

When I run radicale with --debug flag, I get notification that: "web type is 'radicale_infcloud' " notification, so I believe that my radicale knows it should use infcloud interface.

But, when I navigate a browser to my radicale service (e.g., localhost:5232) the normal radicale interface comes up instead of infcloud.

I tried clearing my html5 cache b/c I thought it might just not be reloading the page. But, that didn't work. So,

  1. Are there some diagnostic tests I could run?
  2. Is there something the radicale_infcloud config.js that I need to set? Thanks! Kirk
Unrud commented 3 years ago


kirkzp commented 3 years ago

OK. I have made some progress. I now get the infcloud log-in screen when I click the link. And, 1) if I enter an invalid username+pw I get the other server login popup (which cannot be avoided) 2) if I enter a valid username+pw, I do NOT get that. But, after some cycling, nothing happens.
Looking at debug and/or web-session console log, I see that: Access to '/.web/infcloud/' denied for 'test' (debug) and Error 403 access to resource denied (web-client console).

I am wondering if the InfCloud client is trying to read or write to some directories that the radicale server/linux user does not have access to?

Strange because radicale web interface works fine: I can add users; add calendars; add addressbooks; etc. and I can sync with the radicale server from other devices/calDAV clients.

InfCloud was installed with the same ownership and permissions as radicale server, so it shouldn't be trying to access anything that the radicale user/server can't access...but perhaps it is?

Any ideas?

Thanks!!! Kirk

kirkzp commented 3 years ago

I have tried seemingly every possible permutation of things, and I still find no success. Radicale works fine. When I visit the Radicale web interface and click on "InfCloud" I am taken to the InfCloud login screen--this is true whether I am on the box running radicale or a different machine on the LAN.

However, I can never successfully login and access resources from InfCloud page. I have played extensively with both radicale's config file and infcloud's config.js.

In particular, I have added these header lines to the radicale config file:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin = * Access-Control-Allow-Methods = GET, POST, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, REPORT, PUT, MOVE, DELETE, LOCK, UNLOCK Access-Control-Allow-Headers = User-Agent, Authorization, Content-type, Depth, If-match, If-None-Match, Lock-Token, Timeout, Destination, Overwrite, Prefer, X-client, X-Requested-With Access-Control-Expose-Headers = Etag, Preference-Applied

It is claimed that these will enable the InfCloud client to access radicale resources. But, I keep getting connection-refused errors as shown in the attached screenshot.

Does anyone have any idea what additional configuration I need to do? I have played with having a "/" or not having a "/" after my href setting. I have messed around with using "localhost" vs. "" vs. my fixed LAN IP. I have tried using all 3 infcloud access modes. Nothng works. Nada. Zilch. Riente. Bubkis :(

Help appreciated--including appreciation shown via coffee or beer donations :)

Thanks much.


Unrud commented 3 years ago

I have played with having a "/" or not having a "/" after my href setting.

The href settings are wrong. InfCloud tries to access but it should be

I have played extensively with both radicale's config file and infcloud's config.js.

It should work out-of-the-box. Touching config.js should not be necessary.

In particular, I have added these header lines to the radicale config file:

This is only necessary when InfCloud is not running on the same server/host. No changes should be required here.

kirkzp commented 3 years ago

Hi, I guess I mis-understood your previous comment (above) that [seemed!] to say to me that I needed the full "http://localhost:5232/.web/infcloud" as my href.

I returned to the out-of-the-box config.js and got things working (I think...fingers crossed).

Thanks for your help! Great contribution.


kirkzp commented 3 years ago

Hey, was gonna donate a cup of coffee. Do you have a PayPal contribution link? -Kirk