Unvanquished / gameplay

Issue tracker for Unvanquished gameplay related feedback, ideas and suggestions
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Add issue templates #14

Closed Gireen closed 3 years ago

Gireen commented 3 years ago

The intention here is to have both issues types contain idea cause there only difference is if there is a problem issue attached to them. So the tags make the difference and could also change one into another. Like if an related problem is not accepted as such or if a new problem can be solved by an already on its own existing idea.

DolceTriade commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if there is a benefit to actually separating these two categories.

Viech commented 3 years ago

Ideas may be short and simple if they solve a problem but otherwise we don't want to track any shower thought someone's having.

Gireen commented 3 years ago

the difference would only be the automatic set label but i think that can also be done by hand since it requires some control anyway.