Unvanquished / gameplay

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Make late game upgrades much stronger but hard to obtain #39

Open DolceTriade opened 2 years ago

DolceTriade commented 2 years ago

BSuit + Tyrant are too weak and are too easy to obtain. In Tremulous, these classes were unlocked pretty easily and were meant to be everyday classes instead of rare classes. This leads to large stalemates and camping. BSuit + Tyrant should be super OP and transient such that if you don't take advantage of the ability of these classes, you lose them. This allows one team to have the ability to have a class that cannot be countered and can wreak damage.

Imo, each of these classes should require an army of the enemy team to obtain and it shouldn't be easy to get a lot of them. IE, bsuit = 2000 creds and tyrant = all 9 evos.

Would be interesting to play test some of these ideas.

Gireen commented 2 years ago

I would say this is more an idea than a problem ala Make late game classes more op with shorter use time. That could indeed be interesting to have a short lifetime for them to incentivize rushes and not be too frustrating for the enemies. How could such limitation work? With a timer or maybe have slowly health drained without any possibility to heal.

For me BSuit and Tyrant are already quiet OP as enemies but at the same time when i use them they feel way to weak.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I think BS is pretty powerful, especially for it's cost (it's a strong armor for a cheap price) Unlike in trem, it allows to crouch, it's also likely smaller (I remember the model being smaller than hitbox led to a head shot bug). This means it's very nimble, and still provides a very powerful defense: a dragoon requires 3 hits to kill a BS, while a luci requires 1 hit to kill a dragoon.

Now, tyrant is another problem, there's various mentions of it's weakness, but nobody for now AFAIK proposed any solution which would made consensus. The only one is to give them a 30% back armor...

DolceTriade commented 2 years ago

My idea for short use would be based on momentum. It takes a lot of momentum to unlock and after unlocking, if you don't maintain the momentum (by rushing and killing stuff), it decays quickly.

DolceTriade commented 2 years ago

As for the specifics, my thoughts are the following:

I'm not sure of a good way to implement these changes (per-weapon resistance?), but that's kinda the way I feel about these classes. The tyrant looks pretty sweet, but it doesn't fight that way. Maybe we should give the tyrant back it's slash range from 1.1 AND it's charge from GPP 🤷