Unvanquished / gameplay

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Give aliens an electric "poison" #46

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

I just had the idea when talking about painsaw, of some kind of electric damages dealt to humans touching an alien, kind of an upgrade for poison: instead of DoT, direct discharge.


Ideas without a related problem issue and lacking explanation or depth are closed after a certain time.

Viech commented 1 year ago

That idea, in my opinion, lacks substance. What is it that you are proposing (and why would that be a fun addition)?

ghost commented 1 year ago

instead of DoT, direct discharge.

This means, charge, say, 50 damages of "electric charge" at booster, and when dealing damages to human, loose all the remaining charge, converted to damages. This could notably allow small aliens to deal more consequential damages to strongly armored humans, or buildings.

This would give aliens a different mechanics, and aliens imo lack diversity of mechanisms. It might be a bad idea, I do not know.