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Make walljumps cost stamina #64

Open Viech opened 1 year ago

Viech commented 1 year ago

Related Problem issues: #6

While it maybe does not reolve #6 entirely, having a stamina cost associated not just with the initial jump but with every wall jump will make it less likely that a human will be able to circumvent a barricade as they might have spent stamina on the way to the enemy base. It also makes sense lore-wise that such acrobatics costs a significant amount of stamina.

DolceTriade commented 1 year ago

Personally, I'm ok with this if we increase human stamina.

Viech commented 1 year ago

Personally, I'm ok with this if we increase human stamina.

Let's instead reduce the cost for jumps? I feel sprinting is cheap already.

ghost commented 1 year ago

stamina is almost infinite for naked, as the sprint cost is too low. It's huge for light armor for same reason. It is reasonable for medium, and rather low for battlesuit.

Now, is the wallrun feature actually such a good feature? It gives the barricade problem, and which fun benefits does it actually provides? So, increasing it's cost seems... a bit pointless to me?

Viech commented 1 year ago

I have no strong opinion on wall jumps per se; I could live with or without them. I just noticed that they do not use stamina which seemed odd to me. This allows you to climb some walls almost like a marauder. And, this allows you to climb a barricade even after sprinting towards the alien base as you have to recover just enough stamina for a single jump. So it seemed a straightforward change to alleviate #6.

DolceTriade commented 1 year ago

My goal was to make human movement more interesting. I think we should keep walljumps but make them more interesting. Right now it's more akin to wallrunning. Maybe something more like UrT?

Viech commented 1 year ago

Is there some fraction of the cost of a proper jump that you would agree to (without further changes to stamina)? I mostly feel it's odd that there is no cost to it at all, with stamina clearly intended to economize human special movement.

DolceTriade commented 1 year ago

I think walljumps no stamina is a bug certainly, We shouldn't have unlimited walljumps. Not sure about fraction or fullcost. Depends on gameplay I think.

ghost commented 1 year ago

This allows you to climb some walls almost like a marauder

Which is in direct contradiction with the idea of having species with different abilities.

Anyway yes, wallrunning (it's the real term used in code) should requires stamina. And humans stamina should not be increased just because of that, neither: classes able to do that have more than enough already (battlesuit does not have this ability).

Wallrunning upward is also a very weird mechanics. Maybe it should be limited to horizontal movements: this way it would not be same ability as marauders.

I still think this ability does not brings much interesting things to the game compared to the problems, of which the barricade climbing is just one of them (I remember players showing me how to cheat thanks to this ability, sadly I don't remember the how. I thin it was on tremor or usstremor). It notably allows to climb movers and buildings, which is something IIRC aliens can not do. As a reminder, aliens need mobility to be able to to come in contact with humans and hope to win, while humans have jetpack and long range weapons. More speed and movement abilities for humans, and this is my solely my opinion, is not such a good idea.

Viech commented 1 year ago

This issue should not be misunderstood as trying to completely resolve the problems that wall jumps may or may not bring. It's just a correction that might help with #6 even if everything else remained unchanged. The three of us seem to agree that when wall jumps exist, then they should cost stamina, so let's mark that part as agreed upon. The natural question would thus be how much. Is 50% of the initial jump's cost a good starting point?

ghost commented 1 year ago

just make it a cvar starting at 50%, and adjust it as needed. It's not like the feature is used often anyway.