Unvanquished / gameplay

Issue tracker for Unvanquished gameplay related feedback, ideas and suggestions
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Add a poll template. #66

Closed Viech closed 1 year ago

Viech commented 1 year ago

I suspect that some of the little knobs that were placed many years ago were never turned slightly to gradually improve a situation. Polls should enable us to do just that going forward.

Viech commented 1 year ago

Not quite, this shall serve another purpose. Ideas are involved changes that are discussed ahaed, need to be tested, and should then be discussed again and refined. Voting on a complex idea early on is kind of pointless because no one can tell in advance all the little implications. It requires a good amount of time until everyone understands the mechanic and how to (ab)use it, including the devs. When that happens, one could make the argument for a poll, but even then detailed experiences and criticism are much more valuable in my opinion than just a yes/no opinion, which cannot tell us if the changes and alternatives are well understood, and how to proceed. People are still invited to use the thumb reactions on problems and ideas but I wouldn't want this to replace a discussion.

Pure polls should be reserved for turning existing knobs slightly, where the implications are actually clear and where the effort of having a dedicated test would prevent the change from happening in practice. Something like "increase grenade price from 250 to 300" or "reduce the painsaw damage from 11 to 9". Such changes currently are either slipped into related larger changes (which is fine but requires such a larger change), just done without asking (which can be fine if the sentiment is clear and the change is minor), or most likely they just never happen even though there would be consensus (which is a problem). I want to streamline the process by which such small adjustments are introduced into the vanilla game so that fine-tuning actually takes places.