Unvanquished / unvanquished-infrastructure

Report issues about Unvanquished infrastructure: cdn mirrors, master servers, certificates, dns entries…
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Status report for the Unvanquished Nightly Server #16

Open necessarily-equal opened 2 years ago

necessarily-equal commented 2 years ago


illwieckz commented 2 years ago

have some form of notification for when (if) it eventually stops updating (e.g. the build breaks)

maybe we can feed the overmind IRC bot with such notice

necessarily-equal commented 2 years ago

maybe we can feed the overmind IRC bot with such notice

any idea on how to do that?

illwieckz commented 2 years ago

For this:

ensure server is empty before restarting

You can use this script (for example name it isServerEmpty):

#! /usr/bin/env bash

set -e
set -u

if [ -z "${1:-}" ]
    echo 'ERROR: missing server address' >&2
    exit 1

data="$(qstat -raw $'\n' -R -unvanquisheds "${1}" | egrep '^B=|^P=')"
player_count="$(echo "${data}" | egrep '^P=' | cut -c3- | sed -e 's/-//g;s/0//g' | wc -c)"
bot_count="$(echo "${data}" | egrep '^B=' | cut -c3- | sed -e 's/-//g' | wc -c)"

if [ "$((${player_count} - ${bot_count}))" = 0 ]
    echo "true"

echo "false"
exit 1

You can use it that way:


Or this way:

if ./isServerEmpty >/dev/null; then echo "let's do it"; fi
let's do it

On the server you'll probably want to address localhost or

You'll also prefer to have a fixed port. 27961 looks to be basically the “next one” after 27960 which is used by the vanilla server. I would prefer if you use a port that is not in the immediate following of 27960 because we may spawn more vanilla servers if needed (like I did at 0.52.0 release time), so it's better if optional extra servers don't steal the port of the nightly one. For example, what if you set 27959 for the nightly server? Extra servers will never claim this port automatically.

For the script to work you will need qstat: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/qstat

Note: on the server you can use quakestat -raw $'\n' -R -tremulous "${1}" instead of qstat -raw $'\n' -R -unvanquisheds "${1}" but maybe you'll want to add qstat to your nix stuff and get recent qstat instead.