Unweirdly / FirstDraft

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Create Milestones for 2nd Sprint #38

Open Unweirdly opened 6 years ago

Unweirdly commented 6 years ago

Sprint 2.

Please label any cards relevant to this sprint as sprint 2.

Overview 1) Create founders pages.

Due Monday Aug 6th

2) Interrogate founders pages video search

3) Review Search and video play features with Brickman.

Due Tuesday Aug 7th

4) Implement video uploading bata.

Due Wednesday day Aug 7th

completion date - Wednesday Aug 8th

molo18 commented 6 years ago

I have been contacting friends in an attempt to get them to make a video. Dan is working on the finishing touches for the long Nate video, and I have been working on making videos as well. We all need to contribute content or it becomes a one man show.

jonitaylor513 commented 6 years ago

can we discuss this more openly in the co-founder meeting tomorrow 08/04 at 6 pm?

UnicornSupporter commented 6 years ago

You three always surprise me. I've never been more excited to be added to a convo 6 days later. We've taken huge steps in the right direction today and it appears like you had been walking there longer than I thought. I agree that we should discuss the milestones for the sprint in the meeting. However, I wanted to also congratulate you all on reaching a different milestone today as partners. Today was the first day we all saw each other and ourselves as equals. While that doesn't sound like much, it marks the last of a long line of obstacles each of you had to overcome by yourself. In order for us to get to this point, each of us had to reveal some of our deepest fears, insecurities and pain to each other. We faced these head-on and we realized that we are no longer alone in our healing, goals and drive. Thank you all