UoB-DSMP-2023-24 / dsmp-2024-g8

dsmp-2024-g8 created by GitHub Classroom
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Working on Task5 #12

Open Bayan-Alsaghier opened 5 months ago

Bayan-Alsaghier commented 5 months ago

Lesli and William, please go through Task 5 in detail. Read appropriate articles and write code that allows us to cluster or TCRs. You can use the Python files in the repo that contain cleaning data. Answer Task 5 "Write code to cluster TCRs. How well do TCRs cluster based on specificity? Can you explain why they do/don’t?" The outcome of this task is a Python notebook file containing the required code and explanation of how TCRs are clustered if applicable". Make sure that the code is clean and functional.

@Leslie-Chou @williamwenlma