UoB-DSMP-2023-24 / dsmp-2024-g8

dsmp-2024-g8 created by GitHub Classroom
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Working on summative report #19

Open Bayan-Alsaghier opened 4 months ago

Bayan-Alsaghier commented 4 months ago

The summative report must have the following sections:

Abstract Introduction: A brief discussion of the problem context, motivation, analysis questions/aims, and proposed methods and approaches used. Literature Review: An overview of related work of similar research in the domain. Methodology: Includes a discussion of methods applied to address your questions/aims Data Description/ Preparation: Includes description of data sources, samples and steps for pre-processing if any. Results and Discussions: Reporting on the experiments with discussion on insights. Technical challenges are to be discussed here too. Further Work and Improvement: Explore what can be done further based on the discussed insights and ways to improve. Conclusion: A brief summary of the key insights in your report

I need to work with @Leslie-Chou on the "Data Description/ Preparation:", "Results and Discussions:" , "Further Work and Improvement" and "Conclusion: "