UoB-DSMP-2023-24 / dsmp-2024-group-ol2

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Write Formative Report Overview with OverLeaf Template #40

Open JackDI1 opened 4 months ago

JackDI1 commented 4 months ago

LaTex to replace current header for the final report.

% title & author formatting (Please check your emails are correct)
\title{ Leading-edge data analytics for Level-2 financial-market data}
        Jack Inwood & Felix Mayo \\
        \small Department of Engineering Mathematics & \small Department of Engineering Mathematics \\
        \small \textit{University of Bristol} & \small \textit{University of Bristol} \\
        \small Bristol, United Kingdom & \small Bristol, United Kingdom \\
        \small gy22041@bristol.ac.uk & \small felix.mayo.2022@bristol.ac.uk \\[2ex]
        Adam Rapley & Samantha Starling \\
        \small Department of Engineering Mathematics & \small Department of Engineering Mathematics \\
        \small \textit{University of Bristol} & \small \textit{University of Bristol} \\
        \small Bristol, United Kingdom & \small Bristol, United Kingdom \\
        \small el22227@bristol.ac.uk & \small hp22012@bristol.ac.uk \\
\date{} % date not required