I found lots of start and end points are different from the original database. For example, hsa_circ_00001 has 230350957-230357321, but the database indicates 230486703-230493067 with a shift. There are so many mismatches in the file with different shifts. Due to this problem, I am not sure if I extract correct fasta files and sequences. Do I misread any documentation? Some clarifications on the file could be very helpful. Thanks very much!
I found lots of start and end points are different from the original database. For example, hsa_circ_00001 has 230350957-230357321, but the database indicates 230486703-230493067 with a shift. There are so many mismatches in the file with different shifts. Due to this problem, I am not sure if I extract correct fasta files and sequences. Do I misread any documentation? Some clarifications on the file could be very helpful. Thanks very much!