[X] My code follows the code style of this project.
[ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
[ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
[X] I tested on a generic Tripal Site
[X] I tested on a KnowPulse Clone
[ ] This PR includes automated testing
To test:
1. Re-upload option
Upload a valid file.
A. This option is not available when uploading a file (while validating)
B. This option is not available when validation is complete and successful.
Upload an invalid file, for example set the Trait Name to blank for a row.
C. This option is available when a failed upload.
2. Auto select genus
Type in experiment name in the autocomplete field.
A. Genus will auto select for a corresponding experiment.
B. Experiment field will select previously entered experiment for quick edit.
C. A previously set genus will reset to default ('- Select -') when experiment field is left empty or if experiment has no matching genus set.
3. Import Button and Spaces around button.
A. Upload a file and navigate to Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3, keeping an eye on the button.
In all stage Import Button is not available and Next or Save button has spacing around.
4. Not Validating Unit to Data.
A. Upload a data and set Unit column to count or days and set the value in Value column to string value (ie. cat, hello).
5. Not Validating Empty file.
A. Upload a completely empty file.
B. Upload a file with just the column header.
C. Upload a file with column header and a blank/empty row.
In any of the test cases above, the upload will halt.
To test: 1. Re-upload option Upload a valid file. A. This option is not available when uploading a file (while validating) B. This option is not available when validation is complete and successful. Upload an invalid file, for example set the Trait Name to blank for a row. C. This option is available when a failed upload.
2. Auto select genus Type in experiment name in the autocomplete field. A. Genus will auto select for a corresponding experiment. B. Experiment field will select previously entered experiment for quick edit. C. A previously set genus will reset to default ('- Select -') when experiment field is left empty or if experiment has no matching genus set.
3. Import Button and Spaces around button.
A. Upload a file and navigate to Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3, keeping an eye on the button. In all stage Import Button is not available and Next or Save button has spacing around.
4. Not Validating Unit to Data. A. Upload a data and set Unit column to count or days and set the value in Value column to string value (ie. cat, hello).
5. Not Validating Empty file. A. Upload a completely empty file. B. Upload a file with just the column header. C. Upload a file with column header and a blank/empty row.
In any of the test cases above, the upload will halt.