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[Bug]: environment.yml fails with PackagesNotFoundError Intel Processor Mac #14

Closed gordonmod8 closed 6 months ago

gordonmod8 commented 6 months ago

Describe your issue

I am using a 2017 Macbook Pro, Intel x64 processor 8GB ram

When I use the command conda env create -f environment.yml the terminal then outputs

Channels: - conda-forge - defaults - pytorch Platform: osx-64 Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: ...

And the output goes on to list every dependency in the .yml file

Steps to reproduce

  1. In the terminal submit conda env create -f environment.yml

What was the expected result?

No response

Put here any screenshots or videos (optional)

No response

Put here the code owner you'd like to review this issue.

The following stackoverflow answer worked for me: https://stackoverflow.com/ ... conda-fails-to-create-environment-from-yml

Referencing the stack overflow advice of the user BRANDT I hypothesized that my platform being Intel not ARM was interfering with the set up.

I used the terminal command that BRANDT provided to successfully generate env.yml in the same directory.

sed 's/\(.*[[:alnum:]]\)=[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:].-_]*/\1/' environment.yml > env.yml

env.yml mimics environment.yml line for line but env.yml ommits the platform specification at every dependency. For example - libopenvino=2023.2.0=he6dadac_4 goes to - libopenvino=2023.2.0

I then had to manually delete the remaining arm-specific dependency in env.yml before my conda command could solve the environment. The dependency I deleted was - libopenvino-arm-cpu-plugin=2023.2.0

Finally, running the command conda env create -f env.yml resulted in my terminal confirming a successful creation of the dsi_participant environment, printing the following:

done # # To activate this environment, use # # $ conda activate dsi_participant # # To deactivate an active environment, use # # $ conda deactivate

In case you'd like to share the working env.yml file, I've finished this description with the contents of my env.yml file

name: dsi_participant
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - absl-py=2.1.0
  - aiohttp=3.9.3
  - aiosignal=1.3.1
  - aom=3.7.1
  - appnope=0.1.4
  - asttokens=2.4.1
  - astunparse=1.6.3
  - attrs=23.2.0
  - aws-c-auth=0.7.11
  - aws-c-cal=0.6.9
  - aws-c-common=0.9.12
  - aws-c-compression=0.2.17
  - aws-c-event-stream=0.4.1
  - aws-c-http=0.8.0
  - aws-c-io=0.14.0
  - aws-c-mqtt=0.10.1
  - aws-c-s3=0.4.9
  - aws-c-sdkutils=0.1.13
  - aws-checksums=0.1.17
  - aws-crt-cpp=0.26.0
  - aws-sdk-cpp=1.11.210
  - blinker=1.7.0
  - blosc=1.21.5
  - bokeh=3.4.0
  - brotli=1.1.0
  - brotli-bin=1.1.0
  - brotli-python=1.1.0
  - brunsli=0.1
  - bzip2=1.0.8
  - c-ares=1.27.0
  - c-blosc2=2.14.3
  - ca-certificates=2024.2.2
  - cached-property=1.5.2
  - cached_property=1.5.2
  - cachetools=5.3.3
  - cairo=1.18.0
  - certifi=2024.2.2
  - cffi=1.16.0
  - charls=2.4.2
  - charset-normalizer=3.3.2
  - clarabel=0.7.1
  - click=8.1.7
  - cloudpickle=3.0.0
  - colorama=0.4.6
  - comm=0.2.2
  - contourpy=1.2.0
  - cryptography=42.0.5
  - cvxopt=1.3.2
  - cvxpy=1.4.2
  - cvxpy-base=1.4.2
  - cycler=0.12.1
  - cytoolz=0.12.3
  - dask=2024.2.0
  - dask-core=2024.2.0
  - dask-expr=0.4.1
  - datasets=2.14.4
  - dav1d=1.2.1
  - debugpy=1.8.1
  - decorator=5.1.1
  - dill=0.3.7
  - distributed=2024.2.0
  - docopt=0.6.2
  - dsdp=5.8
  - ecos=2.0.13
  - exceptiongroup=1.2.0
  - executing=2.0.1
  - expat=2.6.2
  - fancyimpute=0.7.0
  - ffmpeg=6.1.1
  - fftw=3.3.10
  - filelock=3.13.3
  - flatbuffers=23.5.26
  - font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono=2.37
  - font-ttf-inconsolata=3.000
  - font-ttf-source-code-pro=2.038
  - font-ttf-ubuntu=0.83
  - fontconfig=2.14.2
  - fonts-conda-ecosystem=1
  - fonts-conda-forge=1
  - fonttools=4.50.0
  - freetype=2.12.1
  - fribidi=1.0.10
  - frozenlist=1.4.1
  - fsspec=2024.3.1
  - gast=0.5.4
  - gettext=0.22.5
  - gettext-tools=0.22.5
  - gflags=2.2.2
  - giflib=5.2.1
  - gitdb=4.0.11
  - gitpython=3.1.42
  - glog=0.6.0
  - glpk=5.0
  - gmp=6.3.0
  - gnutls=3.7.9
  - google-auth=2.29.0
  - google-auth-oauthlib=1.2.0
  - google-pasta=0.2.0
  - graphite2=1.3.13
  - greenlet=3.0.3
  - grpcio=1.59.3
  - gsl=2.7
  - h5py=3.10.0
  - harfbuzz=8.3.0
  - hdf5=1.14.3
  - huggingface_hub=0.22.2
  - icu=73.2
  - idna=3.6
  - imagecodecs=2024.1.1
  - imageio=2.34.0
  - importlib-metadata=7.1.0
  - importlib_metadata=7.1.0
  - importlib_resources=6.4.0
  - iniconfig=2.0.0
  - ipykernel=6.29.3
  - ipython=8.22.2
  - jasper=4.2.3
  - jedi=0.19.1
  - jinja2=3.1.3
  - joblib=1.3.2
  - jsonpickle=3.0.2
  - jsonschema=4.21.1
  - jsonschema-specifications=2023.12.1
  - jupyter_client=8.6.1
  - jupyter_core=5.7.2
  - jxrlib=1.1
  - keras=2.15.0
  - kiwisolver=1.4.5
  - knnimpute=0.1.0
  - krb5=1.21.2
  - lame=3.100
  - lazy_loader=0.4
  - lcms2=2.16
  - lerc=4.0.0
  - libabseil=20230802.1
  - libaec=1.1.3
  - libarrow=15.0.0
  - libarrow-acero=15.0.0
  - libarrow-dataset=15.0.0
  - libarrow-flight=15.0.0
  - libarrow-flight-sql=15.0.0
  - libarrow-gandiva=15.0.0
  - libarrow-substrait=15.0.0
  - libasprintf=0.22.5
  - libasprintf-devel=0.22.5
  - libass=0.17.1
  - libavif16=1.0.3
  - libblas=3.9.0
  - libbrotlicommon=1.1.0
  - libbrotlidec=1.1.0
  - libbrotlienc=1.1.0
  - libcblas=3.9.0
  - libcrc32c=1.1.2
  - libcurl=8.7.1
  - libcxx=16.0.6
  - libdeflate=1.20
  - libedit=3.1.20191231
  - libev=4.33
  - libevent=2.1.12
  - libexpat=2.6.2
  - libffi=3.4.2
  - libgettextpo=0.22.5
  - libgettextpo-devel=0.22.5
  - libgfortran=5.0.0
  - libgfortran5=13.2.0
  - libglib=2.80.0
  - libgoogle-cloud=2.12.0
  - libgrpc=1.59.3
  - libhwloc=2.9.3
  - libhwy=1.1.0
  - libiconv=1.17
  - libidn2=2.3.7
  - libintl=0.22.5
  - libintl-devel=0.22.5
  - libjpeg-turbo=3.0.0
  - libjxl=0.10.1
  - liblapack=3.9.0
  - liblapacke=3.9.0
  - libllvm14=14.0.6
  - libllvm15=15.0.7
  - libllvm16=16.0.6
  - libnghttp2=1.58.0
  - libopenblas=0.3.26
  - libopencv=4.9.0
  - libopenvino=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-auto-batch-plugin=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-auto-plugin=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-hetero-plugin=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-ir-frontend=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-onnx-frontend=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-paddle-frontend=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-pytorch-frontend=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-tensorflow-frontend=2023.2.0
  - libopenvino-tensorflow-lite-frontend=2023.2.0
  - libopus=1.3.1
  - libosqp=0.6.3
  - libparquet=15.0.0
  - libpng=1.6.43
  - libpq=16.2
  - libprotobuf=4.24.4
  - libqdldl=0.1.7
  - libre2-11=2023.09.01
  - libsodium=1.0.18
  - libsqlite=3.45.2
  - libssh2=1.11.0
  - libtasn1=4.19.0
  - libthrift=0.19.0
  - libtiff=4.6.0
  - libunistring=0.9.10
  - libutf8proc=2.8.0
  - libvpx=1.13.1
  - libwebp-base=1.3.2
  - libxcb=1.15
  - libxml2=2.12.6
  - libzlib=1.2.13
  - libzopfli=1.0.3
  - llvm-openmp=18.1.2
  - locket=1.0.0
  - lz4=4.3.3
  - lz4-c=1.9.4
  - markdown=3.6
  - markupsafe=2.1.5
  - matplotlib-base=3.8.3
  - matplotlib-inline=0.1.6
  - metis=5.1.0
  - missingno=0.5.2
  - ml_dtypes=0.2.0
  - mpfr=4.2.1
  - msgpack-python=1.0.7
  - multidict=6.0.5
  - multiprocess=0.70.15
  - munch=4.0.0
  - munkres=1.1.4
  - nbformat=5.10.4
  - ncurses=6.4.20240210
  - nest-asyncio=1.6.0
  - nettle=3.9.1
  - nose=1.3.7
  - numba=0.59.1
  - oauthlib=3.2.2
  - opencv=4.9.0
  - openh264=2.4.0
  - openjpeg=2.5.2
  - openssl=3.2.1
  - opt_einsum=3.3.0
  - orc=1.9.2
  - osqp=0.6.3
  - p11-kit=0.24.1
  - packaging=24.0
  - parso=0.8.3
  - partd=1.4.1
  - patsy=0.5.6
  - pcre2=10.43
  - pexpect=4.9.0
  - pickleshare=0.7.5
  - pillow=10.2.0
  - pip=24.0
  - pixman=0.43.4
  - pkgutil-resolve-name=1.3.10
  - platformdirs=4.2.0
  - plotly=5.19.0
  - pluggy=1.4.0
  - prompt-toolkit=3.0.42
  - protobuf=4.24.4
  - psutil=5.9.8
  - psycopg2=2.9.9
  - pthread-stubs=0.4
  - ptyprocess=0.7.0
  - pugixml=1.14
  - pure_eval=0.2.2
  - py-cpuinfo=9.0.0
  - py-opencv=4.9.0
  - pyarrow=15.0.0
  - pyarrow-hotfix=0.6
  - pyasn1=0.5.1
  - pyasn1-modules=0.3.0
  - pycparser=2.22
  - pygments=2.17.2
  - pyjwt=2.8.0
  - pyopenssl=24.0.0
  - pyparsing=3.1.2
  - pysocks=1.7.1
  - pytest=8.1.1
  - python=3.11.8
  - python-dateutil=2.9.0
  - python-dotenv=1.0.1
  - python-fastjsonschema=2.19.1
  - python-flatbuffers=24.3.25
  - python-tzdata=2024.1
  - python-xxhash=3.4.1
  - python_abi=3.11
  - pytz=2024.1
  - pyu2f=0.1.5
  - pywavelets=1.4.1
  - pyyaml=6.0.1
  - pyzmq=25.1.2
  - qdldl-python=0.1.7.post0
  - rav1e=0.6.6
  - re2=2023.09.01
  - readline=8.2
  - referencing=0.34.0
  - regex=2023.12.25
  - requests=2.31.0
  - requests-oauthlib=2.0.0
  - rpds-py=0.18.0
  - rsa=4.9
  - sacred=0.8.5
  - safetensors=0.4.2
  - scikit-image=0.22.0
  - scikit-learn=1.4.1.post1
  - scipy=1.12.0
  - scs=3.2.4.post1
  - seaborn=0.13.2
  - seaborn-base=0.13.2
  - setuptools=69.2.0
  - shap=0.44.1
  - six=1.16.0
  - slicer=0.0.7
  - smmap=5.0.0
  - snappy=1.1.10
  - sortedcontainers=2.4.0
  - sqlalchemy=2.0.27
  - stack_data=0.6.2
  - statsmodels=0.14.1
  - suitesparse=5.10.1
  - svt-av1=1.8.0
  - tbb=2021.11.0
  - tblib=3.0.0
  - tenacity=8.2.3
  - tensorboard=2.15.2
  - tensorboard-data-server=0.7.0
  - tensorflow=2.15.0
  - tensorflow-base=2.15.0
  - tensorflow-estimator=2.15.0
  - termcolor=2.4.0
  - threadpoolctl=3.4.0
  - tifffile=2024.2.12
  - tk=8.6.13
  - tokenizers=0.15.2
  - tomli=2.0.1
  - toolz=0.12.1
  - tornado=6.4
  - tqdm=4.66.2
  - traitlets=5.14.2
  - transformers=4.39.3
  - typing-extensions=4.10.0
  - typing_extensions=4.10.0
  - tzdata=2024a
  - urllib3=2.2.1
  - wcwidth=0.2.13
  - werkzeug=3.0.2
  - wheel=0.43.0
  - wrapt=1.14.1
  - x264=1!164.3095
  - x265=3.5
  - xorg-libxau=1.0.11
  - xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3
  - xxhash=0.8.2
  - xyzservices=2023.10.1
  - xz=5.2.6
  - yaml=0.2.5
  - yarl=1.9.4
  - zeromq=4.3.5
  - zfp=1.0.1
  - zict=3.0.0
  - zipp=3.17.0
  - zlib=1.2.13
  - zlib-ng=2.0.7
  - zstd=1.5.5
  - pip:
      - appdirs==1.4.4
      - autograd==1.6.2
      - autograd-gamma==0.5.0
      - beautifulsoup4==4.12.3
      - faraway==0.0.6
      - formulaic==1.0.1
      - frozendict==2.4.0
      - future==1.0.0
      - html5lib==1.1
      - interface-meta==1.3.0
      - islp==0.3.22
      - l0bnb==1.0.0
      - lifelines==0.28.0
      - lightning-utilities==0.11.1
      - llvmlite==0.42.0
      - lxml==5.1.0
      - mpmath==1.3.0
      - multitasking==0.0.11
      - networkx==3.2.1
      - numpy==1.24.4
      - pandas==1.5.3
      - peewee==3.17.1
      - progressbar2==4.4.2
      - pygam==0.9.0
      - python-utils==3.8.2
      - pytorch-lightning==2.2.1
      - soupsieve==2.5
      - sympy==1.12
      - torch==2.2.1
      - torchmetrics==1.3.2
      - webencodings==0.5.1
      - yfinance==0.2.37
moejennie commented 6 months ago
