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University of Toronto Coders Events
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Lightning Demos - February 24 #298

Closed aays closed 3 years ago

aays commented 3 years ago

Lightning Demos is back, this time without a specific theme! Present anything cool you've been working on, or a cool package/technique/text editor you've discovered recently -- or feel free to just come by and watch others' presentations. There are no specific rules to Lightning Demos past that they should be about 5-10 minutes in length at maximum, and should focus more on the code side of things. Things the community has shared in past Lightning Demos include ggplot tricks, a quick demo of Python virtual environments, simple Shiny apps, and more. Hope to see you there!

Where: Zoom (https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/83940578226 - password: coders) Meeting ID: 839 4057 8226 When: Wednesday, February 24, from 18:00 - 19:00 Instructor: n/a Skill level: n/a

Installation Instructions: n/a

Lesson material: n/a

Note: Our sessions will all be held online until further notice, instead of at the MADLab.