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Collaborating with Git and GitHub - March 3 #299

Closed aays closed 3 years ago

aays commented 3 years ago

Although Git is primarily a version control system, it is also very commonly used for collaborative development. This lesson will follow from our Introduction to Git session from earlier in the semester, except this time we will cover a basic collaborative workflow and become familiar with tools such as forks, branches, and pull requests.

Familiarity with the material in the Intro Git lesson is highly recommended!

Where: Zoom https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/83940578226 (pass: coders) Meeting ID: TBA When: Wednesday, March 3, from 18:00 - 19:00 Instructor: Ahmed (@aays) and Frances (@FrancesWong) Host: Ahmed Skill level: Intermediate

Installation Instructions: This will be a demonstration lesson instead of a code-along, but the tools needed for this lesson's material are Git and a GitHub account. Please install Git following the instructions here. For further details see here.

Lesson material: https://github.com/UofTCoders/studyGroup/tree/gh-pages/lessons/git/collaboration (to be updated before lesson!)

Note: Our sessions will all be held online until further notice, instead of at the MADLab. If you need help with installation, please be sure to show up at 17:50 (5:50 pm) so that we can help you out before the lesson!