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Spring/Summer 2019 Lesson Schedule #293

Closed linamnt closed 5 years ago

linamnt commented 5 years ago

Please suggest here any others you think are interesting, we can refer back to the survey as well as more people fill it out.

SaraMati commented 5 years ago

I will explain more in the meeting if others think it's a good idea

SaraMati commented 5 years ago

Some intermediate Python?

aays commented 5 years ago

Following yesterday's meeting, how does tentative schedule till late July look? I'd like for us to keep up the 'topics'-based scheduling we had last year in a general sense, but we don't have to stick to it too closely. I relied a fair bit on the survey in deciding these.

I currently have the lessons grouped by topic, but we could also stagger them out (i.e. R the first week, Python the next) depending on how people feel grouping went last year.

R May 23 - Intro to R (Margot) May 30 - Data visualization in R with ggplot2 (Ahmed) June 6 - Statistics in R

Python June 13 - Intro Python (Lina?) June 20 - Designing data analysis workflows (tentatively) June 27 - Python - Object Oriented Programming

Reproducible science July 4 - Intro Bash July 11 - Intro Git July 18 - Journal Club/Lightning Demos - academic workflows (tmux etc) July 25 - Collaborating with Git

Special topic: machine learning Aug 1 - Machine learning: introduction to concepts Aug 8 - Python: image processing

I'm not sure how the gadgets/hardware sessions pan out, or what's a good time for them - thoughts?

Also @SaraMati I like the sound of that topic! What would it involve? I've included it in the tentative schedule above for now.

linamnt commented 5 years ago

Yes this looks great! I like the idea of maybe trying the chunked together lesson topics. Might help build momentum! Also I think we can have a Special Topics or Applied Topics series?

aays commented 5 years ago

@linamnt I like that idea! People seemed pretty jazzed about machine learning in the survey (as always) so that could be a special topic?

SaraMati commented 5 years ago

great, I'll ask the instructor to send a blurb. and I think the lesson program is great. and we can have the last 6 sessions of the summer for applied topics as Lina suggested.

aays commented 5 years ago

@SaraMati Just checking in - any updates from the instructor?

SaraMati commented 5 years ago

sent an email now, will post the blurb as soon as I get it

SaraMati commented 5 years ago

@aays the blurb:

Systematic and reproducible management of your scientific workflow based on examples from electrophysiology or How to perform data analysis using snakes and elephants

In this session I will introduce two tools which help in setting up reproducible scientific data analysis workflows: 1) The workflow management system Snakemake permits to define workflows in a pythonic, modular, human readable way using rules to define elemental processing steps. Snakemake workflows can be executed locally but also integrate well with distributed data and cluster computing. 2) The electrophysiology analysis toolkit Elephant is an open-source package for the analysis of spiking as well as LFP activity. Elephant is based on the Neo framework, which provides a bridge to various different electrophysiology data formats and represents the data in a stardardized, annotated fashion.

To participate in the session, please set up a conda environment and install the required packages:

# setting up the environment
conda create -n demo python=3
conda activate demo

# installing required packages
conda install -c conda-forge bioconda::snakemake
pip install elephant
aays commented 5 years ago

Thanks @SaraMati! Sounds like a great lesson to me.

All, how does this look as a final schedule? Let me know whether you have any changes/suggestions. Once enough people sign off I'll get to posting a call for instructors.

R May 23 - Intro to R (Margot) May 30 - Data visualization in R with ggplot2 (Ahmed) June 6 - Statistics in R

Python June 13 - Intro Python (Lina?) June 20 - Designing data analysis workflows (Julia) June 27 - Python - Object Oriented Programming

July 4 - Coworking

Reproducible science July 11 - Intro Bash July 18 - Intro Git July 25 - Journal Club/Lightning Demos - academic workflows (tmux etc) Aug 1 - Collaborating with Git

Special topic: machine learning Aug 8 - Machine learning: introduction to concepts Aug 15 - Python: image processing

Aug 22 - Coworking

I'm not sure what to do with Aug 29th - I could leave it open for now so there's room for another lesson within the 'series' if anyone has any ideas? If not, perhaps we could have a break that week in preparation for the Fall semester to come?

mbonsma commented 5 years ago

End of August is usually the slowest time of year - I think it would be fine to leave that blank.

aays commented 5 years ago

@mbonsma Good to know - thanks!

aays commented 5 years ago

Also, @linamnt I just noticed that you mentioned something about people from DHN wanting to teach? I'm a bit out of the loop but if that's still a thing, we can totally edit the schedule to make room for some digital humanities sessions

linamnt commented 5 years ago

The schedule looks good and I agree to leave aug 29 blank. Ya DHN never got back to me with instructors. We can revisit for the fall semester?

aays commented 5 years ago

@linamnt Sounds good!