UofUEpiBio / PHS7045-advanced-programming

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Homework 1 #6

Closed chipmanj closed 1 month ago

chipmanj commented 1 year ago

@UofUEpiBio/phs7045-2023 Homework 1 is live on the website at: link. Please use this thread for questions.

hyejung0 commented 1 year ago

Hi @chipmanj , I was working on HW1 and realized that sometimes, the control arm has the biggest posterior probability for all 1000 samples so that by the end, my allocation probabilities are 0 for all 4 arms. For this situation, should I make the allocation probability all equal, meaning, set them to 0.25? I need probabilities greater than 0 for sampling treatment.

chipmanj commented 1 year ago

@hyejung0 What do you mean by "biggest posterior probability"?

For the RAR, you'll want to use the probability that each arm is the max. A way to do this is to repeatedly draw a sample from each posterior and note how often each arm has the largest draw.

chipmanj commented 1 year ago

@UofUEpiBio/phs7045-2023 Hi Class. As mentioned in Thursday's lab, HW 1's deliverable is modified to creating a function for Design 1 and 2. These functions should use vectorization, and you should modularize your code to reduce redundancy.

hyejung0 commented 1 year ago

Hi @gvegayon and @chipmanj ! I have problem with git push at the moment. Here's the message that I get when I push:

fatal: The current branch main has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

git push --set-upstream origin main

To have this happen automatically for branches without a tracking upstream, see 'push.autoSetupRemote' in 'git help config'.

When I google about it, it says that it's because I don't have the connection with the GitHub remotely. But I had set it up before. Does it have to do with my SSH thingy??

Can you please help me figure it out?

Meanwhile, I will send my homework1 via email. Thank you!

chipmanj commented 1 year ago

@UofUEpiBio/phs7045-2023 Hi Class, I posted my solution to HW 1 to a new private repo: https://github.com/UofUEpiBio/PHS7045-advanced-programming-solutions

Please request access to see the solution.