Up-Mods / Cammies-Wearable-Backpacks

Just a backpack that lets you carry more items with you. Requires an empty chest slot though.
4 stars 9 forks source link

Suggestion - Change the backpack shape #18

Closed flagz404 closed 2 years ago

flagz404 commented 2 years ago

Hey, I found this backpack model that looked better :D image ^ the backpack model ^ here is the .json model, pls change the file extension: backpack.txt the texture: back_pack

Arathain commented 2 years ago

did you make this model? also, the backpack being "better" or "worse" is purely subjective, in this case I'd actually say the current model works better

CammiePone commented 2 years ago

The model isnt going to change

CammiePone commented 2 years ago

I too would like to know though if you made this model. If not, where is it from?

flagz404 commented 2 years ago

well... it's from Origin Realms, a small server

CammiePone commented 2 years ago

Origin Realms isn't really small, and given they don't specify a license, that means all assets are almost certainly ARR, meaning no, even if I wanted to, I couldn't add this to the mod as it would cause legal issues.