Up-Mods / OkZoomer

Adds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric and Quilt. The zoom is yours!
131 stars 24 forks source link

Resurrect the Detonater for massive filesize savings #103

Closed EnnuiL closed 3 months ago

EnnuiL commented 3 months ago

Bad news! Ok Zoomer is quite massive now thanks to Quilt Config (through Wrench Wrapper) being bundled in instead of 100% relying on loader to have it! Good news! You can fix this! Kinda!

While a good approach would be to provide a Quilt-exclusive version that doesn't bundle Wrench Wrapper and therefore reduce the mod back to 140 KBs? This requires a multiloader setup, which would be better left for once NeoForge support is in. Instead, it is possible to shave ~120 KBs off the mod using the key Detonater technique of Making JiJs Smaller, which is quite nice! The only issue is unwieldy tooling, but by porting the Detonater away from Deno? You got something nice that can run on CI! Ok Zoomer's original size (513.6 KBs) vs. the detonated size (391.6 KBs) (oh also you can do this because you are a quite slim zoom mod now, the bloated-up competitor can't take proper advantage of detonation!)

EnnuiL commented 3 months ago

Hissboom has been implemented and activated on Ok Zoomer 9.0.1 9.0.2