Up-Mods / OkZoomer

Adds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric and Quilt. The zoom is yours!
131 stars 24 forks source link

Presets dont work #105

Closed Ostrich21 closed 1 month ago

Ostrich21 commented 3 months ago

Whenever i try to select a preset, when i go off the pause menu, it automaticly goes back to deafult. I cant seem to find any apply button or something. Sorry if im being daft but im just really confused.

EnnuiL commented 3 months ago

Oh wait! So, the apply button is the "Reset Settings" button right next to the preset button; The Presets section, with the "Preset" option set to Default and a "Reset Settings" button next to it I thought exiting through ESC was discarding changes, but I apparently made it so that it saved anyway; Maybe I should rename "Reset Settings" to "Apply Preset"?

UpcraftLP commented 1 month ago

fixed in 9166985d82afee4923aeace243fc5e620b7bb9d8