Up-Mods / OkZoomer

Adds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric and Quilt. The zoom is yours!
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Incompatibility with Additional Additions #64

Closed spoorn closed 2 years ago

spoorn commented 2 years ago

Latest versions of both mods for Fabric 1.18.2

Looks like a mixin conflict with AdditionalAdditions

[23:23:56] [Render thread/WARN]: @Redirect conflict. Skipping okzoomer.mixins.json:MouseMixin->@Redirect::replaceSpyglassMouseMovement(Lnet/minecraft/class_746;)Z from mod okzoomer with priority 1000, already redirected by AdditionalAdditions.mixins.json:MouseMixin->@Redirect::slowCamera(Lnet/minecraft/class_746;)Z from mod additionaladditions with priority 1000


EnnuiL commented 2 years ago

Of course the hacky thing has failed; Don't worry, I believe that I can replace my @Redirects with the help of MixinExtras so that this conflict won't happen, at least with my own mod

MarioMastr commented 2 years ago

theres also an incompatibility with the better third person mod

EnnuiL commented 2 years ago

theres also an incompatibility with the better third person mod

That's a completely different issue affecting an area which Ok Zoomer already did its own part on preventing the issue from happening; See #62 for more Ideally, both conflicting mods shouldn't use a Redirect at all unless it's absolutely necessary, but here? I did use a Redirect, and I can solve part of the issue by removing my own Redirects

MarioMastr commented 2 years ago

theres also an incompatibility with the better third person mod

That's a completely different issue affecting an area which Ok Zoomer already did its own part on preventing the issue from happening; See #62 for more

Sorry I didn't realise an issue was already created for it (kinda)

EnnuiL commented 2 years ago

Fixed on Ok Zoomer 5.0.0-beta.6 and its removal of our @Redirects