UpdateCommand / update

Update scripts for apm, apt, brew, cargo, gem, npm, pip, yum, and more
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Add update script for Firefox #5

Closed ManyLinesOfCode closed 2 years ago

ManyLinesOfCode commented 2 years ago

Create a file that allows for the updating of Firefox on Debian-based systems.

joelparkerhenderson commented 2 years ago


I believe that your file installs Firefox on Ubuntu via apt.

The purpose of this update repo is different: each command looks for a specific program to see if it's installed, and if so, then the command calls the program's own functionality for doing updating, upgrading, cleaning, etc.

For example, an update command for Firefox could look if Firefox is installed, and if so, could call Firefox's own updating capabilities, such as for Firefox plugins, add-ons, etc. Firefox happens to provide built-in updating of its own program, so typically wouldn't need user intervention.

For example, an update command for apt-get is already in this repo, and it calls the typical apt-get commands to update all its installations. Generally speaking, if you install any programs via apt-get, then you can rely on apt-get to manage them and update them.

ManyLinesOfCode commented 2 years ago

Ah, I see. Thanks!