Updated-NoCheatPlus / NoCheatPlus

Anti-cheating plugin for Minecraft (1.5-1.21, Bukkit/Spigot)
GNU General Public License v3.0
485 stars 100 forks source link

Replace `Fight.Direction` and `Fight.Reach` with `HitBox` #235

Open Regomy opened 2 years ago

Regomy commented 2 years ago

Complete output of the ncp version command (please prefer text here)

14:19:20 INFO: ┬╗Version information┬л

14:19:20 INFO: git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52 MC: 1.8.8 14:19:20 INFO: Detected: 1.8.8

14:19:20 INFO: Plugin: 3.17.1-SNAPSHOT-Updated-b146 14:19:20 INFO: MCAccess: 1.8.4-1.8.8 / Spigot-CB-1.8_R3

14:19:20 INFO: blocks: BlocksMC1_4, BlocksMC1_5, BlocksMC1_6_1, BlocksMC1_7_2, BlocksMC1_8 14:19:20 INFO: checks: FastConsume, Gutenberg, AttackFrequency, FlyingFrequency, KeepAliveFrequency 14:19:20 INFO: defaults: pvpKnockBackVelocity 14:19:20 INFO: packet-listeners: UseEntityAdapter, MovingFlying, OutgoingPosition, KeepAliveAdapter, SoundDistance, WrongTurnAdapter, CatchAllAdapter, Fight

AllViolationsNCP 1.0, ViolationFrequencyNCP 1.0 14:19:20 INFO: ┬╗Related Plugins┬л 14:19:20 INFO: ProtocolLib v4.6.0

Have you made any (noteworthy) changes to the default configuration of NCP?

I didn't change anything.

Do you run any other special plugins that affect game mechanics next to NC+ (skills, machines, adding/changing blocks, other anti-cheating)?


Provide additional information: for bypasses, vulnerabilities and reproducible issues, we request a debug log. Use GitHub gists or PasteBin or similar for errors and huge logs, or attach a (zip-) file here.

Lysandr0 commented 2 years ago

NCP suite of combat checks won't detect anything other than impossible behaviour, such as hitting entities with one's back turned on them etc... For more information, check the FAQ about killaura: https://github.com/Updated-NoCheatPlus/Docs/blob/master/FAQ.md#why-is-aimbotkillaura-not-detected-by-nocheatplus

In any case, an overhaul for fight checks is planned with the upcoming HitBox and Visible checks. Currently delayed because other work has been queueing since.