Updated-NoCheatPlus / NoCheatPlus

Anti-cheating plugin for Minecraft (1.5-1.20, Bukkit/Spigot)
GNU General Public License v3.0
468 stars 103 forks source link

Add Crucible support #332

Open 1050TItop opened 5 months ago

1050TItop commented 5 months ago

Complete output of the ncp version command (please prefer text here)

»Version information« Server: git-Purpur-1985 ~MC: 1.19.4~ Detected: 1.19.4 NoCheatPlus: Plugin: 3.17.1-SNAPSHOT-Updated-b185 MCAccess: 1.13-1.20|? / Bukkit-API Features: blocks: BlocksMC1_4, BlocksMC1_5, BlocksMC1_6_1, BlocksMC1_7_2, BlocksMC1_8, BlocksMC1_9, BlocksMC1_10, BlocksMC1_11, BlocksMC1_12, BlocksMC1_13, BlocksMC1_14, BlocksMC1_15, BlocksMC1_16, BlocksMC1_17, BlocksMC1_19, MCAccessBukkitModern checks: FastConsume, Gutenberg, HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter, AttackFrequency, FlyingFrequency, KeepAliveFrequency defaults: pvpKnockBackVelocity packet-listeners: UseEntityAdapter, MovingFlying, OutgoingPosition, KeepAliveAdapter, SoundDistance, WrongTurnAdapter, Fight, NoSlow Hooks: AllViolations~NCP~ 1.0, Citizens2~cncp~ 2.0, ViolationFrequency~NCP~ 1.0 »Related Plugins« CompatNoCheatPlus v6.6.7-SNAPSHOT-b10, ProtocolLib v5.1.0, ViaVersion v4.9.2

Short description of the issue and how to reproduce (is it random / always happens / side conditions ?)

False positives when using custom items created in the Crucible(https://mythiccraft.io/resources/2/, plugin uses skills from MythicMobs for custom items) plugin

Have you made any (noteworthy) changes to the default configuration of NCP?

Default config

Do you run any other special plugins that affect game mechanics next to NC+ (skills, machines, adding/changing blocks, other anti-cheating)?

Yes, Crucible and MythicMobs