Updated-NoCheatPlus / NoCheatPlus

Anti-cheating plugin for Minecraft (1.5-1.20, Bukkit/Spigot)
GNU General Public License v3.0
468 stars 103 forks source link

[NoCheatPlus] Exception #356

Open F3F5 opened 3 weeks ago

F3F5 commented 3 weeks ago

Complete output of the ncp version command (please prefer text here)

12:32:45 INFO: »Version information«

12:32:45 INFO: 1.21-3-4514f41 ~MC: 1.21~ 12:32:45 INFO: Detected: 1.21

12:32:45 INFO: Plugin: 3.17.1-SNAPSHOT-Updated-b189 12:32:45 INFO: MCAccess: 1.13-1.20|? / Bukkit-API

12:32:45 INFO: blocks: BlocksMC1_4, BlocksMC1_5, BlocksMC1_6_1, BlocksMC1_7_2, BlocksMC1_8, BlocksMC1_9, BlocksMC1_10, BlocksMC1_11, BlocksMC1_12, BlocksMC1_13, BlocksMC1_14, BlocksMC1_15, BlocksMC1_16, BlocksMC1_17, BlocksMC1_19, BlocksMC1_20, MCAccessBukkitModern 12:32:45 INFO: checks: FastConsume, Gutenberg, HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter 12:32:45 INFO: defaults: pvpKnockBackVelocity

AllViolations~NCP~ 1.0, ViolationFrequency~NCP~ 1.0

Short description of the issue and how to reproduce (is it random / always happens / side conditions ?)

https://pastebin.com/KEJa6rn0 If you log on to a server with devbuild paper and errors, you can't go to it

Have you made any (noteworthy) changes to the default configuration of NCP?


Do you run any other special plugins that affect game mechanics next to NC+ (skills, machines, adding/changing blocks, other anti-cheating)?


Provide additional information: for bypasses, vulnerabilities and reproducible issues, we request a debug log. Use GitHub gists or PasteBin or similar for errors and huge logs, or attach a (zip-) file here.


fantahund commented 2 weeks ago

I have already fixed this for myself so you can build and use my version. Unfortunately it will not be downward compatible for older versions so I can't submit it as a PR. https://github.com/fantahund/NoCheatPlus/commit/8c7a682c1c8dd477058c2348b6f376a8cf300b26