UprootLabs / poly-flif

:camera: A poly-fill for the FLIF image format.
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Progressive Loading not working. #35

Closed QuantumRevenger closed 7 years ago

QuantumRevenger commented 7 years ago

When loading a progressive image e.g

<canvas id="draw" data-polyflif-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/jon/fl_progressive,fl_lossy,q_25/kodim05.flif"></canvas>

The whole file is loaded before being displayed rather than progressively.

hrj commented 7 years ago

Yup, this is not yet done. See #13

It's quite a tricky thing to do, because JS is single threaded and the callbacks from FLIF are not asynchronous.

There are multiple approaches possible, such as configuring emscripten to allow asynchronous callbacks, or modifying the FLIF decoder itself to allow decoding to be continued.

closing this as duplicate of #13.