UpstandingHackers / hammer

Parser combinators for binary formats, in C. Yes, in C. What? Don't look at me like that.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Stack blown up using `h_indirect` and recursive pattern #169

Closed uucidl closed 7 years ago

uucidl commented 7 years ago

As I was exploring how to search for matches using a hammer parser I came up with the following:

HParser *search_parser(HParser *parser) {
  // NOTE(uucidl): this searcher pattern takes a parser and allows us to search for
  // it within the input stream
  auto searcher = h_indirect();
      h_choice(parser, h_right(h_ch_range(0x01, 0xff), searcher), nullptr));
  return searcher;

It works for small inputs, however as soon as I threw a real world file at it, I blew up my stack in a series of: (tested on windows)

>   linter.exe!h_read_bits(HInputStream_ * state, int count, char signed_p) Line 29 C
    linter.exe!parse_token(void * env, HParseState_ * state) Line 12    C
    linter.exe!perform_lowlevel_parse(HParseState_ * state, const HParser_ * parser) Line 32    C
    linter.exe!h_do_parse(const HParser_ * parser, HParseState_ * state) Line 200   C
    linter.exe!parse_choice(void * env, HParseState_ * state) Line 30   C
    linter.exe!perform_lowlevel_parse(HParseState_ * state, const HParser_ * parser) Line 32    C
    linter.exe!h_do_parse(const HParser_ * parser, HParseState_ * state) Line 200   C
uucidl commented 7 years ago

It blew on a file of relative small size (13K)

pesco commented 7 years ago

Nicolas on Tue, Jul 26 2016:

  auto searcher = h_indirect();
      h_choice(parser, h_right(h_ch_range(0x01, 0xff), searcher), nullptr));
  return searcher

This should work well for a context-free backend.

With packrat, this blows up because that backend is essentially recursive descent and cannot easily "forget about" a combinator it has entered, even if it does nothing more with the result. You would be asking for tail-recursion, basically.

What you can do instead:

    auto pre = h_right(h_and(h_not(parser)), h_ch_range(1,255));
    return h_sequence(h_many(pre), parser, 0);

This should run with constant stack overhead wrt. parser.

uucidl commented 7 years ago

Indeed it works! thanks

uucidl commented 7 years ago

On my dataset, where the match is rare, the parser version works measurably slower than calling h_parse repeatedly manually on every byte.