UrAvgCode / Chooser

An Android app to randomly select fingers on the screen
GNU General Public License v3.0
77 stars 3 forks source link

Suggestion: don't clear screen until someone touches it again #7

Open ChristopherKing42 opened 3 months ago

ChristopherKing42 commented 3 months ago

Currently when an option is made, the information stays displayed for about a second. I suggest making it stay until the screen is touched again.

UrAvgCode commented 3 months ago

Do you mean in all modes, or are there specific ones causing issues? For example, when selecting a finger from a group and you lift your finger off the screen, I don't think there's much benefit in keeping the circle on the screen for much longer.

ChristopherKing42 commented 3 months ago

I was thinking all of them. The biggest benefit is for the more complicated ones like the numbering in case people forget the numbering, but if you change that one you might as well change all of them so that the UI is consistent.

In general, I'm think of the screen being cleared as being a visual event, whereas keeping the information on screen is just maintaining the visual status quo. So from a UI perspective keeping the circles on screen is a simpler visual experience.

To be honest tho this isn't from testing with other people (I just got the app recently so haven't gotten a chance to try it yet); this is just my intuition!

UrAvgCode commented 3 months ago

I didn't have any issues with the current implementation in my own experience with other people, but i can try it out and see how it feels in comparison, especially in more complex modes like choosing an order.

I'll definitely keep it in mind for future updates. Thanks for your suggestion!