UrNVR / urnvr

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Project Status Update #7

Open cainmp opened 1 year ago

cainmp commented 1 year ago

With lots of firmware releases since the 2.3.14 version mentioned in the readme, I’m curious if this project is dead, or we could kick things back off and get things updated to more recent versions. I have a spare emmc UNVR I’m happy to test with, with the eventual goal of replacing my current power hungry x86 docker host with this compact ARM box.

cainmp commented 1 year ago

I can confirm the process does NOT work currently, as I can not downgrade the firmware to 2.3.14, and I get no network activity when booting into my compiled uImage. @m-byte

m-byte commented 1 year ago

Sorry, for the delayed reply. I have been pretty busy at work, due to that, haven't found too much time for hobby stuff. Not sure, how much I can do here until end of this year (as work will stay busy until then), but for what it is worth, I just sent a mail to Ubiquiti to get access to their 3.1.9 sources to start updating everything for that version. There's a good chance, that not too much work will be required to update things.

cainmp commented 1 year ago

All good. I'm happy to test again as needed.

cainmp commented 10 months ago

@m-byte, have you had a chance to make any progress on this? Obviously, there’s been a couple new firmware releases since June, so wanted to check to see if there was anything we could do to help.

m-byte commented 10 months ago

@cainmp Back when you opened this issue, I sent a mail to the address Ubiquiti used to use for requesting open source code. Since then, I haven't received any reply. They might have changed the address.

Right now, I'm pretty busy, but if you can get me the sources for a more (or preferrably most) recent release (open a PR on https://github.com/UrNVR/unvr-kernel), I will take a look at them as soon as I get a bit of spare time.